How To Get Better At Valorant: Best Tips For Those Who Want To Become A Pro Level Player

💡 Highlights
- Agent selection should be based on your playstyle.
- Develop map awareness by learning map zones and watching the minimap.
- Effective communication is essential for team success in Valorant.
- Optimize your crosshair to ensure visibility and comfort.
- Master strafing techniques to make yourself a harder target and keep moving.
- Adapt your spray control based on the weapon you’re using.
- Understand the ranking system to adapt tactics as you face tougher opponents.
- Analyze losses to learn from mistakes and understand how to get better at Valorant.
- The time required for improving at Valorant depends on both individual skills and teamwork.
Valorant is a fun and addictive competitive shooter that fits perfectly into the concept of “easy to start, hard to master.” With the release of Valorant on consoles, the game got its second breath, and I see new players often asking this question on Reddit – “how to get better at Valorant”? Indeed, despite its seeming simplicity, Valorant is actually quite complex with specific mechanics and features you need to level up. Below, I’ve put together the key Valorant tips that really helped me in the game. Some of them might seem obvious, but trust me, they’re super important for stepping up your game.
How To Get Good At Valorant: Best Tips For New Players
Of course, the first thing you need is more game practice. But to turn quantity into quality, I have provided some simple tips on how to get better at Valorant.
Master Agent Abilities
Try and study all agents from different tiers. This way, you will better understand how this or that agent will act during the match. Then, focus on a few that you like more and which better suit your playstyle and master them. One more Valorant tip is to follow the updates and the current meta. This will keep you informed about the game’s latest changes and trends, helping you understand which agents will perform better in the current season and which ones have been nerfed.
Develop Map Awareness
To improve at Valorant, study the maps in detail and go through the zones to remember them. Knowing the names of the map zones will improve communication in the team and understanding where the enemy is and where to move faster during the game. Do not forget to follow the minimap, as it gives you enough information about the enemy and the actions of your team. You should also understand which Valorant agent is most effective on which map. For instance, a map with narrow corridors might favor an agent with area denial abilities, while a map with open spaces might be better for an agent with long-range attacks.

Communicate Effectively
Here’s my Valorant tip for you: don’t underestimate communication! Valorant is a team-based competitive game, so a team that works together and uses voice and text communication will have an advantage over those who just play solo with randoms and don’t interact at all or interact poorly.
Optimize Your Crosshair
You should adjust the crosshair so that it is convenient for you to aim. I recommend adjusting the crosshair so that its color is clearly visible and does not merge with the environment, and its size is such that you can comfortably view it on the screen.
Focus On The Target, Not Your Crosshair
One of the most important Valorant tips is to keep an eye on the target, not your crosshair. At first, you may have to control yourself and deliberately look away from the crosshair, exploring the surroundings.
Master Strafing Techniques
Remember this Valorant tip: If you stand still, you are an easy target. Train yourself to move from side to side, like a boxer dancing in the ring. Apply the same logic here – short movements to the left and right will make it difficult for the opponent to hit you. Similarly, always check corners before coming out. Only do so when you are sure no one is around the corner. Keep moving all the time.

Adapt Your Spray Control By Weapon
Make sure to familiarize yourself with the different weapons in the game as they all behave differently when fired. Not every weapon is suitable for every game situation, so it’s important to spend time in the training room to learn and practice using each weapon’s spray.
Understand Movement Mechanics
Remember that in Valorant, just like in CS2, your shooting will be more accurate when you stand still. When you move and shoot, it increases the spread of your weapon. It will be harder to hit accurately, especially if you have not trained your recoil control. The balance between strafes and finding the right moment when to stop to accurately aim for a shot is a crucial mechanical skill that you should improve if you want to get better at Valorant.
Prioritize First-shot Accuracy
One common mistake new players make when they spot an enemy is holding down the trigger and firing the whole clip at once, hoping that at least one bullet will hit the target. Instead, try aiming and firing short bursts. This will give you better accuracy and help you control the spray, making it easier to take down the enemy quickly.
Understand The Ranking System
Playing at low ranks is not the same as playing at high ranks – that’s what you should keep in mind if you want to learn how to get better at Valorant. In addition, you should know that not all ranks can play together in one match. As you climb the ranks, you’ll face opponents with advanced mechanical skills and precise aim more frequently. These opponents will have a deep understanding of the game, including the maps, tactics, and strategies. As a result, simply having trained aim and advanced skills may not be enough to win. Winning will require a well-coordinated team, diverse tactics and strategies for specific maps, and the ability to quickly and correctly respond to various in-game situations.

Analyze Your Losses
Remember, every fall is a step towards success. If you find yourself losing often and with a low MMR rating, don’t be discouraged. Instead, use it as an opportunity to learn. Record your gameplay, identify your mistakes, and understand how your actions led to certain outcomes. This process of learning from your failures and adjusting your gameplay is the best way to level-up at Valorant.
Watch Streamers And Pro Players
Watching and analyzing the games of professional players on popular streaming platforms is a good help if you wonder how to get good at Valorant. You will not improve your results if you just watch the games of professionals. But if you notice details, how the players move around the map, how they use weapons, what tactics they use, etc., and try to apply what you see, then over time you will understand the game more deeply.
How Long Does It Take To Get Good At Valorant?
The speed at which players get better at Valorant varies greatly. Some people have a natural talent for gaming and can pick things up quickly, while others may require more time and practice to improve their game sense. In the competitive gaming community, there’s a belief that even after playing for 1000 hours, you may still be considered a beginner. Furthermore, in Valorant, being successful depends not only on your individual skills but also on how well you work together with your teammates, as it is a team-based game.
Looking For People To Play Valorant With? Try GameTree
So, how to get better at Valorant? One of the keys to success, as I mentioned above, is a well-played team where everyone is in their place. Using the GameTree app, you no longer have to play with randoms every time! Here, you can find other players of a suitable skill level and playstyle and gather your own team to move up the ranks together. Our AI algorithm takes into account many factors, including the restrictions on crossplay in Valorant, the location of the players, your native language, game preferences, etc. Meet other Valorant fans, set match dates and times, send invitations and reminders, and communicate during the match – all within the GameTree platform!
Final Thoughts
My last and probably most important piece of advice on how to get better at Valorant is to remember that you play this game to relax and have fun, unless you’re a professional player. Yes, no one likes to lose, but everyone goes through the process of being a beginner and growing. Practice, gather a team of like-minded players, and you will become much better at Valorant over time!