About Us - GameTree

About GameTree

Welcome to GameTree, your ultimate destination for a more enjoyable and enriching gaming experience. At GameTree, we believe that gaming should be about more than just pixels and controllers – it should be a vibrant and fulfilling social experience that brings people together. That’s why we’ve created the GameTree platform, a free LFG (Looking For Group) app designed to help you find gamer friends, receive personalized game recommendations, and coordinate gameplay sessions with a community of non-toxic people who share your passion for gaming.

Our Mission

At GameTree, our mission is clear: to make gaming more fun and productive by bridging the growing divide between people. In an era where the gaming community can sometimes be marred by toxicity, harassment, and isolation, we’re committed to creating a safe and inclusive space where gamers from all backgrounds can connect, collaborate, and thrive. We believe that by fostering positive relationships, we can enhance the gaming experience for everyone involved.

How It All Started?

GameTree was born from the experiences of our co-founders Dana Sydorenko and John Uke. Dana, a passionate gamer, served as a paramedic in the Ukrainian army during the Ukrainian-Russian war. Upon returning home, she sought solace in online gaming communities, only to encounter widespread toxicity and harassment.


John, facing similar disillusionment, partnered with Dana to research the psychology of online interactions. Their findings revealed that 67% of gamers face in-game harassment, with 70% of female gamers resorting to identity concealment.

Determined to change this landscape, Dana And John founded GameTree in 2019. The platform uses a unique personality-based matching algorithm, developed through 13,000 hours of research, to connect like-minded gamers and foster positive interactions.

Why GameTree?

Join the GameTree Community

GameTree is more than just an app; it’s a community of passionate gamers who believe in the power of gaming to connect people. Whether you’re a casual player or a competitive enthusiast, GameTree welcomes you to join our mission of making gaming a positive force in the world. Together, we can build bridges, forge friendships, and make gaming more enjoyable than ever before. Start your journey with GameTree today and be a part of something truly special.


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