Ultimate List Of Gaming Terms, Slang, Phrases and Abbreviations

Gaming terms

Welcome to the ultimate gamer’s dictionary on GameTree.me! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, mastering the lingo is key to feeling like you truly belong in the gaming community. From the classic “GG” to the latest esports slang, we’ve got you covered. Get ready to level up your gamer crew as you dive into these must-know gaming terms and their meanings. No more feeling lost in the chat — after reading this, you’ll be speaking the language like a true gaming expert. Let’s go!


  • AAA are high-quality, big-budget video games that are produced by major studios.
  • ADS (Aim Down Sights) is a way for players to aim their weapon more closely by zooming in and looking down the sights.
  • AFK (Away From Keyboard) means the player is not playing the game and is away from their computer or device.
  • Aggro refers to the attention from in-game enemies, often related to how enemies notice and engage with the player character.
  • Aim Assist is a feature in games that helps players aim more accurately by subtly adjusting their crosshairs towards targets.
  • Alt is a popular video game term that means an alternative version of a game or a different game mode.
  • AoE (Area of Effect) in gaming terminology refers to attacks that cover a specific area with a damaging effect.
  • APM (Actions Per Minute) is a way to measure how fast a player can make moves or actions in a game, especially in real-time strategy or competitive games.
  • ARPG (Action Role-Playing Game) is a sub-genre of RPG focusing on combat, exploration, and character development.


  • Backseat gaming is when someone who is not playing a game gives unsolicited advice or directions to the person who is playing, often to the annoyance of the player. This can include suggesting strategies, pointing out missed opportunities, or criticizing the player’s decisions.
  • Balance refers to the fair distribution of power, abilities, or resources in a game to ensure equal opportunities for all players.
  • Biome is a specific type of environment or terrain in a video game, such as a forest, desert, or snowy mountain.
  • BIS (Best in Slot) refers to the best item or gear a player can use in a game, which usually has the highest stats or performance.
  • BM (Bad Manners) is a gaming acronym that describes rude or disrespectful behavior in a game, like taunting, being mean to other players, or trying to upset them.
  • BOT (Robot) in games, is an automated computer-controlled character or player that is not controlled by a human, used for testing, training, or as opponents.
  • BRB stands for “be right back“. It’s a common phrase used in online chat to let others know that you will be away from your computer for a short period of time.
  • BTW (By the Way) is a common abbreviation used in gaming and online to add an extra comment not directly related to the current conversation.
  • Bubble in video game lingo refers to the storm or force field inside a game.
  • Buff is a positive effect or improvement that is applied to a character, item, or ability in a video game.
  • Bullet sponge is an enemy that takes a lot of damage before it is defeated.
  • Bush Campers are players who crouch under bushes for camouflage in games.



  • DC (Disconnect) means a player has disconnected or been disconnected from the game.
  • DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) is an attack that tries to make an online service unavailable by overwhelming it with traffic.
  • Debuf is a negative effect or penalty that is applied to a character, item, or ability in a video game.
  • Devs is short for “Developers“, the people who create and maintain the game.
  • Diff (Difference) refers to a clear advantage or gap between players or teams in a game.
  • DLC (Downloadable Content)  is additional game content that can be purchased or downloaded to enhance the gaming experience.
  • DM, or Deathmatch, is a type of game mode where players compete to kill each other and earn the most points.
  • DPS, or Damage per second, is the amount of damage a character or ability can deal over a period of time.
  • Drop, or loot, is items or rewards that are dropped by defeated enemies or found in the game world.

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  • Easter egg is a hidden feature or message that is added to a game by the developers as a surprise for players.
  • Elo is a rating system used in competitive gaming to measure and compare players’ skill levels. It calculates a player’s relative skill based on their game outcomes, taking into account the ratings of their opponents.
  • EZ (Easy) indicates a game or situation was simple or straightforward.


  • F2P is short for free-to-play games, which can be played without paying a fee.
  • Farming is the act of repeatedly performing a task or killing enemies in a game to gain resources, experience points, or other rewards.
  • FF (Forfeit) is a term used in gaming to indicate surrendering or giving up before the match is officially over. It’s commonly used in multiplayer games when a team or player decides they can no longer win and chooses to concede the game.
  • FFA (Free-For-All) is a multiplayer game mode where every player competes individually against all others.
  • First blood is the first kill in a multiplayer game, often considered a significant achievement that can set the tone for the match.
  • Flaming is verbally attacking or insulting other players in a game or online community, a toxic and disruptive behavior.
  • FN (Fortnite) is the popular battle royale video game.
  • FPS (First-person Shooter) is a video game genre where players view and navigate the game world through the eyes of the protagonist, primarily using weapons to combat enemies;(Frames Per Second) measures how many visual frames are displayed per second in a game.


  • GaaS (Games as a Service) is a business model where video games are continuously updated with new content and features, often monetized through subscriptions or microtransactions.
  • Gank is ambushing or attacking a player or group of players who are not expecting it in a multiplayer game to gain an advantage or disrupt the other team’s strategy.
  • GG (Good Game) in video game terms is a polite way to say “well played” at the end of a game.
  • GG EZ is an abbreviation for “good game, easy“. It is often used by players to taunt or belittle their opponents after a match, implying that the victory was easy or that the other team was not skilled.
  • GG no re is an abbreviation for “good game, no rematch“. This gamer phrase is often used by players to indicate that they do not want to play another match against the same opponents.
  • GGWP stands for “Good Game, Well Played.” It is often used in online gaming to show sportsmanship and respect to opponents and teammates after a match, indicating that the game was enjoyable and that all players performed well.
  • Gigachad is an exaggerated, idealized version of the “Chad” gamer archetype.
  • GLHF as a gaming slang stands for “good luck, have fun“. It is often used to wish luck and encourage a positive experience before a match or game.
  • GOAT stands for “greatest of all time“. It is often used to describe a player or team considered the best in their field or category.
  • God Mode is a cheat or hack that makes a player’s character invulnerable to damage or other negative effects in a game, often used to make gameplay easier.
  • Griefer in gaming words refers to a player who disrupts others’ progress or gameplay experience.
  • Gulag in some games, an area or mode where eliminated players have to fight to rejoin the main game.
  • GWK stands for “good work, keep it up“. It is often used in online communities to encourage or praise other players for their efforts or achievements.


  • Hitbox is a gaming word taht stands for the invisible area around a character in a game where collisions are detected, affecting whether attacks or abilities land.
  • HP (Hit Points) is a measure of a character’s health or life in a game. When a character’s HP reaches zero, they are typically defeated or die
  • HUD is a graphical interface that displays important information to the player, such as the player’s health, ammo, or objectives.
  • Hz (Hertz) measures the refresh rate of a display, higher Hz means smoother gameplay.

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  • IGL (In-Game Leader) in gamer terminology is the player who strategizes and coordinates a team’s in-game actions.
  • Indie games are video games created by independent developers or small teams without the financial support of large publishers. These games often emphasize creativity, innovation, and unique gameplay experiences, and are typically developed on lower budgets. Indie games can range from simple, minimalist designs to complex, narrative-driven adventures.
  • IP (Internet Protocol) is the unique address that identifies a device on the internet.


  • Jump Scare is a technique used in horror games to scare the player by suddenly introducing a frightening element while they are not expecting it, often accompanied by a loud sound effect.
  • Juke is a move in sports games that involves quickly changing direction to avoid an opponent.
  • Juggle is a move in fighting games where a player knocks their opponent into the air and hits them repeatedly before they can recover.
  • Justice is a gamer term used in fighting games to describe a perfect or near-perfect execution of a combo or special move.
  • Joust is a subgenre of fighting games where two players on horseback try to knock each other off their mounts.


  • K/Di in gamer words represents the ratio of kills to deaths in a game, providing insight into a player’s performance.
  • Kick refers to the action of being removed from a game or lobby, often initiated by a vote or the host.
  • Killsteal is the act of killing an enemy that another player has damaged or was in the process of killing, often considered a negative behavior.
  • Kiting involves maneuvering in games like World of Warcraft to control enemy movement while evading attacks.
  • Knockback is a status effect that pushes enemies or players away from the source of the effect.
  • KO is a gaming lingo that signifies a knockout in games, indicating a player has been defeated or eliminated.
  • KOS in gaming means “Kill On Sight,” indicating a policy or playstyle where players attack certain targets immediately upon encountering them, without provocation or negotiation.


  • Ladder or ranked mode is a competitive game mode where players are ranked based on their performance or skill level, earning points or rewards for winning matches.
  • Lag is delay or latency that can occur when playing online games, caused by factors like slow internet connections or server issues, leading to unresponsive gameplay.
  • LAN (Local Area Network) refers to playing games with others connected to the same local network.
  • LFG (Looking For Group) when a player is searching for other players to join their game or team, usually an LFG app can be used to find the lacking team members or to create a squad from scratch.
  • LFT (Looking For Team) stands for when a player is searching for a team or clan to join.
  • LOD (Level of Detail) is a graphics technique that adjusts the detail of 3D models based on their distance from the camera, enhancing performance by using higher detail up close and lower detail farther away.
  • Live service gamesare continuously updated titles that offer ongoing content and features post-launch, often monetized through microtransactions or subscriptions to maintain player engagement long-term.
  • Loot refers to items or rewards dropped by defeated enemies or found in the game world in video games, including weapons, armor, or other useful items.


  • Matchmaking is a system that pairs players with similar skill levels or playstyles in online games to create balanced and fair matches. Commonly used in games like Fortnite, Overwatch 2, Apex, etc.
  • Meta refers to the current dominant strategies, characters, or playstyles in a game that are most effective at a given time.
  • MMO refers to massively multiplayer online games that allow large numbers of players to play simultaneously in open worlds with social interactions.
  • MMORPG refers to massively multiplayer online role-playing games that focus on role-playing and character progression, featuring quests, classes, and social systems.
  • MMR (Matchmaking Rating) is a numerical value used to match players of similar skill levels in a game. MMR is widely used in games like Valorant, Overwatch and League of Legends.
  • Mob is a non-player character that is hostile towards the player. Mobs are often used as enemies or obstacles in the game world, and they can drop loot or rewards when defeated.
  • MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) is a genre of games like League of Legends or Dota 2 where teams compete in a battle arena.
  • Mod is a modification or add-on to a game that changes or enhances features or gameplay, ranging from cosmetic changes to complex overhauls.


  • Nerf is when a game developer weakens or reduces the power of a particular weapon, ability, or character.
  • Noob is a gaming term used to describe a new or inexperienced player in a game, often implying a lack of skill or knowledge.
  • NPC (Non-Player Character) are characters controlled by the game, not by players.
  • NT (Nice Try) is a polite way to acknowledge someone’s effort, even if they didn’t succeed.

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  • OG (Original Gangster) refers to a long-time or founding member of a gaming community or clan.
  • OMW stands for “on my way“, indicating that a player is en route to a location or objective in the game.
  • OOC stands for “out of character“, used in role-playing games to indicate that a player is speaking or acting as themselves, not as their in-game character.
  • OP (Overpowered) describes a game element that is too strong or dominant compared to others.
  • Opping stands for the act of using an overpowered (OP) weapon or ability.
  • OTP (One Trick Pony) refers to a player who specializes in or exclusively uses a single character, strategy, or playstyle, often lacking versatility in their gameplay approach.


  • Packet loss occurs when data packets traveling between the player’s device and the game server fail to reach their destination. This can result in lag, delays, or disruptions in gameplay, causing actions or movements to appear choppy or unresponsive. High packet loss can severely impact the gaming experience.
  • Party refers to a group of players who are playing together in a game, often working towards a common goal or objective.
  • Patch is an update or modification to a game that fixes bugs, adds new content, or makes changes to gameplay mechanics.
  • Ping is the time it takes for your device to connect to the game server. A lower ping (e.g. 20ms) indicates a faster, more responsive connection, while a higher ping (e.g. 200ms) means more lag or delay in the gameplay.
  • POV stands for “point of view”, representing the perspective from which the game is being played or viewed.
  • Powergaming is a style of play in which a player focuses on maximizing their character’s power or abilities, often at the expense of role-playing or immersion.
  • PST stands for “please send tell”, a request for another player to send a private message in an online game.
  • PUG stands for Pick-Up Group, a group of players who come together temporarily for a game or match.
  • PvE (Player vs Environment) refers to gameplay focused on fighting monsters or non-player enemies.
  • PvP (Player vs Player) refers to combat between live players in games.
  • PWN is a term used to indicate dominating or defeating an opponent in a game, often used in a boastful or celebratory manner.


  • Ragequit is the act of abruptly quitting a game in frustration or anger, often due to losing or facing a difficult challenge.
  • Raid is a large-scale cooperative gameplay activity in which a group of players work together to defeat powerful enemies or bosses.
  • Rekt is a slang term used to indicate that a player or team has been decisively defeated or outplayed in a game.
  • Remaster is an updated version of an existing game, often with improved graphics, audio, and sometimes gameplay mechanics. A remaster aims to enhance the original game while preserving its core experience, making it more appealing to modern audiences and compatible with newer hardware.
  • Respawn is the act of a player returning to the game after being defeated.
  • RMT (Real Money Trading) is the act of buying and selling in-game items, currency, or services for real-world money. This practice is often against the terms of service of many games, as it can disrupt the game’s economy and give players who engage in RMT an unfair advantage.
  • RNG (Random Number Generator) the system that determines random outcomes in a game, like loot drops or critical hits.
  • RPG stands for “role-playing game“, a genre of games where players assume the roles of characters in a fictional world and engage in storytelling and character development.
  • RTS stands for “real-time strategy“, a genre of games where players control units and resources in real-time to achieve victory.


  • Sandbox are the type of games that offer open-world exploration and freedom for players to create, modify, or interact with the game environment.
  • Scrim (Scrimmage) is a practice match or session between teams to prepare for real competitions.
  • Scrub refers to a player who performs poorly in a game.
  • Scuffed describes something that is low-quality, poorly made, or not well-executed.
  • SFX stands for “Sound Effects,” referring to the audio elements in games that enhance the auditory experience, such as explosions, footsteps, or ambient noises.
  • Skill or skill tree refers to a system in games where players can improve specific abilities or attributes of their character.
  • Skill Ceiling is the highest level of skill achievable in a game, often indicating the complexity or depth of gameplay mechanics.
  • Skins are aesthetic changes to characters, weapons, or items in games.
  • Smurf is a high-skilled player who creates a new account to play against lower-skilled opponents.
  • Speedrun is the act of completing a game as quickly as possible, often using advanced strategies or glitches to achieve a fast time.
  • Stamina represents a character’s endurance or energy in a game, often used to perform actions or abilities.
  • Stats refer to a character’s numerical attributes, such as strength, agility, or intelligence, that affect their performance in the game.
  • Stealth is a gameplay mechanic that allows players to move or act covertly, avoiding detection by enemies.
  • Stun is a status effect in games that temporarily incapacitates a character, preventing them from acting or moving.
  • Sweaty refers to a player who is extremely competitive and tries very hard to win.

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  • Tank refers to a high-powered player in any setting, not just used for cover.
  • TDM stands for “Team Deathmatch“, a multiplayer game mode where two teams compete to kill each other and earn the most points.
  • Tea Bag is an offensive in-game action where a player repeatedly crouches over a downed opponent.
  • Tilt occurs when a player becomes emotionally frustrated or agitated, negatively impacting their performance.
  • TK stands for “team kill“, an action in a multiplayer game where a player accidentally or intentionally kills a teammate.
  • Tilted describes a player who is frustrated, angry, or no longer thinking clearly due to the game.
  • Toggle means to switch a particular setting, ability, or function on or off. This can refer to turning game features on and off via a button press or menu option, such as toggling between different camera views, activating or deactivating abilities, or switching game modes.
  • Tower defense is a game genre where players build and defend structures against waves of enemies.
  • Tryhard is a term used to describe a player who is excessively competitive or focused on winning, often at the expense of fun or enjoyment.
  • TTV (Twitch.TV) indicates a player also streams their gameplay live on the Twitch platform.
  • Turbo is a membership upgrade in gaming platforms that offers benefits like ad removal and customization options.
  • Turtling is a strategy in games where players focus on defense and fortification, often at the expense of aggression or offense.
  • Twink is a game lingo used to describe a player who uses high-level gear or abilities on a low-level character, often giving them an unfair advantage.


  • Unit is a term used in gamer jargon to describe a character, object, or entity in a game that can be controlled or interacted with.


  • Vanilla in video game vocabulary refers to the original, unmodified version of a game, without any additional content or modifications.
  • VC (Virtual Currency) in gaming refers to in-game money or tokens that players can earn, purchase, or trade to buy virtual items or unlock content within a video game.


  • Whales in relation to gaming refers to players who spend a lot of money on in-game purchases or microtransactions.
  • Whiff when a player completely misses their intended shot or ability.
  • Whiffed is the past tense of “whiff”, meaning the player missed their shot or ability.
  • Whisper refers to private messages exchanged between users in games.
  • WP stands for “Well Played.” It is commonly used in online multiplayer games to compliment other players on a game well-played, regardless of the outcome.
  • WTB stands for “want to buy“, used in online communities to indicate that a player is looking to purchase a specific item or service.
  • WTS stands for “want to sell“, this gaming word used in online communities to indicate that a player is looking to sell a specific item or service.


  • XP stands for “experience points“, a numerical value that represents a player’s progress or level in a game.

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