How to Make Friends During The Coronavirus Quarantine - GameTree

How to Make Friends During The Coronavirus Quarantine


The world has been facing a loneliness problem for a long time. Getting everyone to self-isolate and have as little human contact as possible to avoid virus infections doesn’t make things any easier. Surprisingly, the big solution to this might be…GAMING!

If there’s one thing gamers are good at, it’s having fun at home. But isolation doesn’t mean you have to play alone! Hang out online and play together with old pals, or forge brand new friendships all from the safety of your own home.

Gaming is a great way to continue to connect with other people. You can still have many exciting multiplayer experiences online whether you’ve known them for years or only recently met! However, we realize that the internet and gaming communities can be a toxic place for many, so how do we get rid of all of those unpleasant folks and only keep the nice people? That’s where we come in.


GameTree is all about curating your experience based on your unique definition of fun. By completing our personality test, along with laying out your personal values and Gamer DNA, you can get matched with people that are similar to you so you can have the best experience possible. Much better than getting yelled at by randos online, huh?



You don’t know what game to play? We can help with that to. GameTree comes with a game recommendation engine that show you games you are predicted to like based on the games you rating high or low. After discovering these new games, you can find people that play it and off you go! It’s that easy!



Now that you have found some good matches and know what game to play, it’s time to open up a session! You can either create your own or join someone else’s start having fun together. Through this, you can gain experience points that let you level up in our gamification system, granting you awesome new features the more you level up.


And now that you know how to make friends during this time, we also made a list of 5 games you can play while stuck at home, so that you can spend hours having fun with the people you care about the most. Let us know how it goes, and happy gaming!

