How To Make A Fortnite Clan And Grow It In 2024

How To Make A Fortnite Clan In 2024

Guide on how to start a Fortnite clan

💡 Highlights

  • A Fortnite clan is a gaming community with its own name, logo, and rules, led by a clan leader and deputies.
  • Players join clans to connect with others, improve their skills, participate in raids, and progress faster in the game.
  • You can either create a Fortnite clan or join an existing one.
  • Clans can be found via Discord, Reddit, dedicated websites, or gaming apps like GameTree.
  • Managing a clan and being an active clan member are a lot like work, requiring some level of commitment and responsibility.

A lot of people think that gamers are just introverted folks who’d rather play games than hang out with others. But that is far from the truth! For many of us, including me, cooperative games like Fortnite are all about finding a sense of community, making friends, and having fun together. That’s why so many players join Fortnite clans, which bring together people with similar goals. If you’ve been playing the game and are wondering how to make a Fortnite clan or to join one, I’ve got some easy tips to share. Let’s dive in!

What Is A Fortnite Clan?

A clan in Fortnite is like a community of gamers who team up and share a common passion for the game. Each clan has its own name, logo, and tag that members proudly display alongside their usernames. Usually, there’s a leader and a few deputies to keep things organized. Clans often have their own set of rules and requirements, such as age limits or a certain number of hours you’ll need to be online, as well as specific days for game nights. 

Enjoying Fortnite?

Find like-minded gamers with GameTree and create your own clan or join an existing one!

Why Become A Part Of Fortnite Clan?

People want to get into a Fortnite clan for all sorts of reasons! For some, it’s all about connecting with others who share their love for the game and finding friends to team up with. For others, the thrill is in the competition — they want to be part of a clan that helps them improve their skills and get better at Fortnite through tournaments. Clans provide opportunities for exciting raids, quicker resource farming, etc. Plus, it’s a great way to hang out with friends and enjoy a social experience!

Things To Consider When Choosing The Right Clan For You

Before you learn how to join a Fortnite clan, it would be helpful to understand what you’re hoping to gain from the experience and how much time you’re willing to invest. Being part of a clan often means committing your time and energy. For some clans, it can feel like a second job, especially if they’re really focused on growing their ranks. So, here are a few friendly reminders to think about before joining a clan or starting your own:

  • The main focus of the clan and the atmosphere in it – is it about casual gameplay or with a competitive component?
  • Do you want to join a large Fortnite clan with many players or a more local and cozy one?
  • What age group do you want to get into?

Knowing the answers to these questions will make it easier for you to find a clan that suits you.

How To Join A Fortnite Clan?

If you have already decided to join a Fortnite clan, there are several options for finding a suitable community.

  • You can also search for a clan in Discord or in the Fortnite subreddit.
  • Another way is to register in the GameTree application and start searching for like-minded people there. 
  • There are also other dedicated websites with lists of top clans.

So, how to get into the Fortnite clan you’ve chosen? You either just enter it with a code (if it’s open for everyone) or reach out to the clan leader or their deputies. They’ll usually ask for basic info like your name, game level, and reasons for joining. Popular clans might want to chat first, asking about your free time, willingness for long raids, and strategy approach. Based on this conversation, you’ll either get invited to join or be turned down.

Explaining how to join a Fortnite clan
Image from Fortnite Website

How To Make A Fortnite Clan Step-by Step?

If you have been rejected or have not found a suitable clan to join, you can always create your own one. Here’s how to make a Fortnite clan and gather like-minded people in one place.

Choose A Clan Name And Create A Logo

First off, you’ll want to come up with a cool clan name, logo, and tag. They should all fit together and really show what your clan is about while standing out. Let’s be real: the clan branding totally affects first impressions.

Establish Clan Rules And Requirements

Figure out the vibe and main focus of your clan, and set up some rules and requirements for how it’ll run. You can share this as a pinned message in a chat or have a dedicated section on a website — it’s up to you! 

Set Up Communication Channels

Pick the communication channels so everyone can catch up on changes, plan clan tournaments, and chat. Options like Discord, social media, and the built-in chats in GameTree can all come in handy.

Recruit Members

Now you know how to make a Fortnite clan, but how will you fill it with members? You can look pretty much anywhere online! Check out social media, messaging apps, Reddit, forums, and themed parties. It really comes down to your unique ideas and your people skills. When you’re bringing in new players, remember how matchmaking works in Fortnite and have a recruitment strategy. You probably don’t want super pros joining a clan of newbies, right?

Organize Regular Practice And Events

Regularly organize events, tournaments, and meetings and set the team practice schedule. Otherwise, people may think the clan is inactive and seek another one.

Develop Strategies And Foster Community

To get everyone in the clan moving in the same direction and to keep things smooth, it’s a good idea to come up with a clan development plan. Figure out how often you’ll play together and hold events, and decide on how you’ll make decisions as a group. Think about organizational stuff: how often you’ll play together, when you’ll hold events and how you will make decisions as a group. Basically, if you’re thinking about how to start a Fortnite clan, you should understand that by doing this, you’re stepping into the whole game of managing people!

Grow Your Clan

Just knowing how to make a Fortnite clan and getting people together isn’t enough; community engagement is crucial. It’s not just about training and gaming sessions but also about how to keep everyone entertained and connected by a common goal. If you’re not sure where to start, how about throwing a LAN party to play Fortnite on split-screen with your clan members? 


Also, keep in mind that some folks might leave, which is totally normal. To keep things fresh, make sure to attract new members by having a strong social media presence.

Find A Fortnite Clan With GameTree

If you are looking for options on how to join a Fortnite clan or even start your own, check out GameTree! It’s a cool app for gamers where you can easily find folks who share your vibe. The AI filters make it super easy to find teammates, plus you’ve got chat features, social media sync, and reminders to help manage the community. Swing by GameTree and join a Fortnite clan to play more and achieve more!

Final Thoughts

If you’re exploring the pros and cons for making a clan in Fortnite or joining one, you should know that it isn’t as easy as it sounds — it’s kind of like having a second job in terms of time and effort. That said, it can also be a really fun experience that helps you meet new people and gain some solid management skills. I’ve made a bunch of great friends through games and clan activities. Being a deputy in a friend’s clan taught me a lot and gave me valuable experience. It’s like a little school of life, and I totally recommend jumping into clan activities or even leading a clan yourself!

Frequently Asked Questions

How To Join A Fortnite Clan?


To join a Fortnite clan, check platforms like Reddit, GameTree, Discord, and social media. You'll need to enter the code to enter or submit an application to the clan you’ve chosen, share some information about yourself, and possibly go through a mini-interview.

How To Start A Fortnite Clan?


To make a Fortnite clan, you need to create a name and logo, choose a platform where you will communicate, develop a set of rules and requirements, and recruit the first members.

How To Grow A Fortnite Clan?


Plan joint training sessions and events, both online and offline, to engage your audience. Ensure your clan has a clear structure with defined rules and traditions, so everyone understands their role and purpose.