Marvel Rivals Team-Ups And The Best Ones To Try

All Marvel Rivals Team-Ups, Their Abilities And Best Ones To Try

Marvel Rivals Team-Ups And The Best Ones To Try

💡 Highlights

  • Team-Ups are a unique feature of Marvel Rivals. 
  • Certain heroes get into alliances and thus unlock exclusive bonuses or new abilities.
  • Marvel Rivals Team-Ups enhance damage, health, or introduce creative gameplay mechanics.
  • The roster of available Team-Ups can change based on seasonal themes and updates.

The new game from NetEase Games, Marvel Rivals, is really impressing players. Some people are saying it feels a bit like Overwatch 2, but it definitely has its own unique vibe that fits right in with the Marvel universe. There are 33 characters to choose from, and some of them can make up alliances called Team-Ups. So, this is what my article is about –  all Marvel Rivals Team-Ups and possible effects that such duos can bring.

What Are Marvel Rivals Team-Ups And How They Work?

Marvel Rivals has a unique mechanic that sets it apart from Overwatch, such as Team-Ups. Since there are many heroes in the Marvel universe that belong to different tiers and most of the heroes have connections with each other, the developers have implemented this distinctive feature in the game. Marvel Rivals duos give something extra to the players if certain heroes are on the same team. Thus, they receive not only unique bonuses for damage or health but can also share with each other or receive new additional abilities. This adds variety to the heroes’ potential on the battlefield.

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All Marvel Rivals Team-Ups And Their Abilities

There are currently 15 Team-Ups on the list, but from the Marvel Rivals subreddit, we already know that the number will change depending on the theme of the season and future game updates. In the table below, you will find all Team-Ups in Marvel Rivals, which heroes make up the alliance, and what effects can be obtained.

Team-UpPrimary HeroAdditional HeroAbility
Symbiote BondVenomSpider-Man, Peni ParkerA new ability is added that turns spiders into a black ball with spikes that deal damage and knock back enemies.
ESU AlumnusSpider-ManSquirrel GirlSquirrel Girl gains a new active ability that allows her to use her web bomb to wrap anyone within the blast radius in webbing.
Gamma Charge HulkDoctor Strange, Iron ManHulk enhances Iron Man’s Armor Overdrive and Doctor Strange’s Maelstrom of Madness, making them more powerful. They will deal additional damage thanks to gamma radiation.
Planet X PalsGrootRocket Raccoon, Jeff the Land SharkWhen Rocket Raccoon or Jeff the Land Shark can climb onto Groot’s shoulders, they gain extra damage and a bonus to their defense.
Metallic ChaosScarlet WitchMagnetoMagneto gains an additional ability, Metallic Fusion, which temporarily empowers his sword with chaos magic.
Ragnarok RebirthHelaLoki, ThorHela can automatically resurrect Thor and Loki after killing an enemy. If they are alive, she gives them additional health.
Ammo OverloadRocket RaccoonThe Punisher, Winter SoldierRocket Raccoon gains the additional ability Ammo Overload Device. When he deploys the device, it allows The Punisher and Winter Soldier to fire faster and have unlimited ammo within its range.
Fastball SpecialHulkWolverineHulk and Wolverine gain a synergy action that allows Hulk to throw Wolverine at enemies at long range.
Allied AgentsHawkeyeBlack WidowBlack Widow gains the ability to use Hawkeye’s ultimate, Hunter’s Sight.
Chilling CharismaLuna SnowNamor, Jeff the Land SharkLuna Snow enhances the abilities of Namor and Jeff the Land Shark with ice powers.
Lunar ForceCloak & DaggerMoon KnightMoon Knight gains an additional ability that allows him to temporarily become invisible.
Atlas BondIron FistLuna SnowLuna Snow gains an additional active ability. It causes a ring of ice to explode around her, knocking back enemies, dealing damage, and slowing them. The ice ring also heals allies near Luna Snow.
Guardian RevivalAdam WarlockMantis, Star-LordMantis and Star-Lord gain Adam Warlock’s Regenerative Cocoon ability, allowing them to respawn mid-combat every two minutes.
Voltaic UnionThorStorm, Captain AmericaThor enhances the abilities of Captain America and Storm with his lightning powers.
Dimensional ShortcutMagikBlack Panther, PsylockeMagik gives Black Panther and Psylocke an additional active ability that allows them to rewind time a couple of seconds when activated. They also receive a health bonus based on how much they lost during that time.

Best Marvel Rivals Team-Ups To Try

There are already a decent number of  Marvel Rivals Team-Ups and the Reddit community shares their opinions on which of the alliances are the most effective. I also decided to choose some of the best Team-Ups in Marvel Rivals that my friends and I found the most interesting, fun, and beneficial, of course.

Ammo Overload

This is a composition in which the heroes are very strong on their own, but they become even stronger thanks to Rocket. Rocket’s activation of the Ammo Overload Device will allow Winter Soldier and The Punisher to shoot continuously since they no longer need to reload for the duration of this device. This greatly boosts both the offensive and defensive potential of such a combination, provided that Rocket uses the device at the right moment.

Allied Agents

Two strong duelists, Black Widow and Hawkeye, who are very similar on the battlefield, become even stronger together and form an alliance – Allied Agents. The essence of this Marvel Rivals alliance is that Hawkeye shares his ultimate ability with Black Widow. She will be able to see afterimages of moving targets, and shooting at the afterimage will cause damage. Thus, she will be able to kill the enemy by shooting at a stationary target.

Lunar Force

Cloak & Dagger gives Moon Knight a new active ability in this duo. Moon Knight can create an area that will make him invisible for a while, increasing his survivability when flanking. However, it is worth keeping in mind that his invisibility zone will be limited to a certain area, and the enemy team will be able to deal damage to the cloud to reach Moon Knight.

Guardian Revival

This Marvel Rivals Team-Up has good offensive potential, as Adam Warlock shares his regenerative ability with Mantis and Star-Lord. Adam Warlock’s Regenerative Cocoon will allow Mantis and Star-Lord to move around as spirits for a while to find a safe place and instantly revive. The team should plan their actions well with this duo, as this ability gained with Team-Up in Marvel Rivals has a fairly long cooldown period.

Symbiote Bond

As the name suggests, this team in Marvel Rivals sees Venom sharing his symbiote powers with Spider-Man and Peni Parker, allowing them to transform into giant balls of needles that deal AoE damage and knock back any enemies that get in the ball’s range. This team composition is great for pushing and breaking through enemy defenses.

Looking For Marvel Rivals Team? Try GameTree

For there to be synergy between heroes in Team-Ups, there must be synergy between the players behind the characters. Assemble your team on GameTree and jump into the Marvel universe! Our AI-powered matchmaking will allow you to assemble the perfect team for playing Marvel Rivals in a few minutes and schedule your next game session. In addition, you can chat in voice calls, get notifications, and be part of the lively GameTree community with over 1 million players!

Final Thoughts

Marvel Rivals is probably one of the best examples of how to transfer everyone’s favorite heroes to a competitive multiplayer game while not just copying the successful Overwatch formula but also adding its own unique, distinctive features. In this article, I shared information about Marvel Rivals Team-Ups – unique alliances where heroes share their unique abilities or receive bonus actions.  If you use them the right way, they really add a lot of variety to the game!
