Introducing the Game of Friendship: GameTree Gamification

The biggest complaint we hear at GameTree is “not enough people to play with!”. The problem was having a “leaky bucket” app where people usually:
A) find what they want, and leave happy.
B) don’t find what they want, and leave upset.
Either way there was little reason to stay.
Though it’s just phase I of some innovative roll-outs, this new gamification system patches the bucket so GameTree is now a better app than ever. It gives higher meaning to all your social play sessions by granting points, makes playing with good people quicker and easier, adds powerful new functionalities that only make sense to give you once you have proven yourself, tracks and incentivizes being a non-toxic and reliable gamer, gives you beneficial reasons to use the app and invite friends so there won’t be a shortage of players, and generally makes using GameTree a more fun and interesting experience.
We really hope you enjoy it, and are open to feedback. It’s been a longer crawl than necessary to get to this stage; we hope you forgive us. What most companies do with recommendation apps is try to seem like they are giving great results while purposely providing minimal value. They will do things like build addictive mechanics and not optimize the best matches so you are continuously searching or unsatisfied and coming back for more.
As a founder, I’d rather do nothing than operate a business that way, even though it’s often required to maximize profit for investors. As a Public Benefit Corporation though, we are legally allowed to sacrifice on some profit to provide more value.
We have a big vision for how GameTree and gaming can help shape and improve the world. Looking forward to making this reality with you!