How To Get Better At Fortnite In 2024 | Tips And Tricks

How To Get Good At Fortnite And Dominate The Battlefield As A Beginner In 2024

Guide on how to get better at Fortnite for beginners

💡 Highlights

  • Map awareness and a looting strategy are crucial in Fortnite.
  • You should stay calm under pressure to make fewer mistakes and analyze the opponents’ behavior.
  • Aim training and building skills are of great importance – you can enhance your skills in the Fortnite creative mode.
  • Equip a mix of long-range and close-range weapons for versatility in combat.
  • Being aware of auditory cues like gunshots and footsteps can reveal enemy positions.
  • Communication within your squad is extremely important in Fortnite.

Fortnite is definitely one of the most popular battle royale titles right now. Frankly speaking, it is my favorite co-op game, which I have already played for thousands of hours. From time to time, my friends ask me how I managed to reach the Platinum rank and how to get better at Fortnite. Well, I decided to share some thoughts here and compiled a Fortnite beginners guide 2024 with tips and tricks on how to get good in the game, hoping you would find them useful.

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About Fortnite And Its Popularity

Fortnite was originally a sandbox game and an open-world survival simulator. But everything changed when PUBG was launched, and the battle royale genre became incredibly popular. Epic Games quickly released their own version of the battle royale and added a unique feature – building mechanics. This helped Fortnite to become not only incredibly popular but also a global cultural phenomenon.

In addition to regular content updates, Fortnite constantly collaborates with famous brands and even holds virtual concerts with famous performers right inside the game. In this way, Fortnite constantly attracts a new audience, which might struggle with getting used to the game at first. So, if you have just entered the world of Fortnite, you will find these Fortnite beginner tips useful.

How To Get Better At Fortnite in 2024: Tips and Tricks

Since Fortnite has skill-based matchmaking, you’re matched with players of approximately the same rank as yours or play with bots. To progress, you need to win often, which is not that easy, especially when you play against folks of the same level as you are, and the matches are quite equal. Nevertheless, I’ve prepared some tips on how to get better at Fortnite. They are all based on my own experience, as well as on the community feedback from Reddit and GameTree. 

Know The Map

Mastering the map is a game-changer. Knowing the popular landing and spawning spots for good loot, the main battle zones, and the best places to lay low and wait for the enemy gives you a strategic edge. Understanding the main landmarks on the map is crucial for planning your movement.

Fortnite map
Image from Reddit

Learn To Stay Cool Under Pressure

How to be good at Fortnite? Stay cool under pressure! Everything is simple: you will make more mistakes if you are nervous or angry. Learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others, stay positive, and stay focused. Doing so and remembering that it’s just a game will help you move up the ranks in Fortnite faster.

Listen Carefully

Listen carefully to what is happening around you – pay attention to gunshots, footsteps, and other loud sounds. You must be aware of the enemy’s location and possible presence nearby, as well as what they may be doing at the moment. 

Balance Your Weapons

Many beginners who wonder how to get good at Fortnite make the same mistake: they pick only one weapon in all matches. Instead, choose weapons for different situations. You will need sniper rifles for long-range combat, while SMGs and shotguns are great for close combat. 

Get Good At Building

According to Reddit users’ advice, one of Fortnite’s most important skills to get better at Fortnite is fast building. You need to learn how to quickly build structures for protection or ramps for mobility and master advanced building techniques, such as double ramps, 90-degree turns, etc.

Work Well With Your Team

Most Fortnite fans that play in Duos or Squads and wonder how to get good at Fortnite quickly understand that communication is key. A team of players that coordinate their actions and constantly report on the enemy’s actions will have a clear advantage over a squad of randoms. Find Fortnite players who are also interested in growing their rank, building a strategy, and developing together. Thanks to the split-screen option in Fortnite, you can also arrange a LAN party and play with friends locally.

Improve Your Aim

You can’t do without good aiming skills if you want to get good at Fortnite. You can know the map well and have the best building skills, but what’s the point if you can’t hit the enemy? Choose any custom training map available in Fortnite’s creative mode and visit it regularly to train your aiming.

Manage Your Health Wisely

Remember that when you get into the storm zone, your health will begin to decrease, and the shield will not provide additional protection. Always carry bandages and first aid kits; do not forget to share them with teammates when necessary. 

Choose Smart Landing Spots

Some beginners seeking ways to get better at Fortnite choose the most popular landing spots. Still, it’s not always a smart idea, as there’s a high chance of dying before the match really starts. A better strategy is to land in less crowded spots, like small buildings or unmarked areas, away from the main crowded zones. If you do decide to jump to more popular spots, try to land on the roofs of buildings – there will be better loot, and you’ll have a better view of what’s happening nearby.

Fortnite landscape

Master The Storm

As the match progresses, the safe zone on the map will shrink, and when you find yourself in a storm, you will begin to lose your health. Keep an eye on the storm’s movement zone and the countdown timer. You should know how long it will take you to get to the next safe zone, especially if you find yourself in distant areas of the map.

Experiment With Different Playstyles

The best way to get better at Fortnite is to try different playstyles. Don’t stick to just one pattern! Try an aggressive approach to gameplay – purposefully train in the most popular places with the best loot. Then try playing more passively – avoiding unnecessary shootouts. Then, try a mix of styles. Over time, you will develop your own hybrid style and become more flexible. It’s true not only for this particular game but for all Fortnite-like games.

Learn From The Pros

Watching how professional players and top streamers play explained to me a lot about how to get better at Fortnite. I mastered the basic gameplay tactics and advanced techniques and began to understand the game better. Don’t be lazy; spend time thoughtfully studying how professional gamers play and then try to repeat it yourself. 

Find A Perfect Team To Play Fortnite With At GameTree

Fortnite is totally about teamplay! If you don’t have a regular team to play with, try the GameTree app. Its AI-based matchmaking algorithm picks gamers who have a similar rank, take on a particular role in the game, have a similar playstyle, are eager to start playing, and want to explore different ways on how to become better at Fortnite. In fact, we at GameTree consider many more factors to make your gaming experience the most enjoyable ever! Try it out and find your teammates and gaming friends to play video games together.

Final Thoughts

Under Fortnite’s apparent simplicity and cartoonishness lies a rather difficult time mastering the game, which has unique mechanics and a fast pace. It requires players to have good mechanical skills and the ability to quickly assess the situation and plan their actions. In this article, I have given some tips on how to get better in Fortnite, but perhaps the most important advice is not to rush. Dear Fortnite beginners, play, enjoy, find regular teammates, develop your own gaming style, and victories will not keep you waiting.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Master Fortnite To Perform Better?


Practice aiming and building skills, play with experienced players, watch how professionals play, and repeat their style and methods in your game. This is how you can improve at Fortnite.

What Is The Easiest Way To Win In Fortnite?


Use the current meta, choose your landing spot wisely, ensure you stay in the safe area most of the time, and avoid unnecessary fights in the mid-game.

How Can I Build Better In Fortnite?


Learn to quickly build basic structures for immediate cover, use wood at first, and then switch to brick. Practice a lot in the creative mode if you wonder how to be better at Fortnite.