How To Manage Economy In Valorant
Feb 13, 2025:
Added a block of text about the Valorant economy.
Feb 17, 2025:
Added a block of text about the Valorant economy.

Getting a grip on the Valorant economy is super important if you want to win. It really influences how both your team and the enemy team play throughout the match. So, let’s dive into how the whole economy works in Valorant and get some solid tips on how to manage your cash in the game. I’ll be sharing this Valorant economy guide based on my own experiences playing Valorant and some advice from pro players. Keep reading!
- Creds in Valorant are used to buy weapons, shields, and abilities.
- Players start with 800 credits at the beginning of each half and get different amounts of credits according to their performance.
- This article describes 8 strategies for rounds, from a pistol round to an anti-force round.
- Poor Valorant resource management can cost victory.
Credits: How They Work
Creds are the in-game currency in Valorant. Creds are used to purchase weapons, shields, and abilities before each round. Each player starts with a certain amount of credits and earns them throughout the round based on their performance.
How Creds Are Earned?
At the start of each half of the match, each player receives 800 credits. As you play, you will earn Valorant credits as follows:
- Each kill gives 200 credits.
- Planting the Spike gives 300 credits to each team member.
- Winning a round gives each player 3,000 credits.
If you lose rounds, your Valorant economy will look like this:
- For losing one round, you will receive 1,900 credits, and for subsequent losses, their number increases by 500.
- That is, for losing two rounds in a row, you will receive 2,400 credits, and for losing three or more rounds in a row, you will receive 2,900 credits.
- A player who survives the previous round keeps their weapon for the next round, which means they save on buying equipment in the next round.
Types Of Buys In Valorant And Economy Cheat Sheet
Below, I describe several strategies for rounds and approaches to the Valorant economy. I will say right away that I will not tell you step by step what you need to do at each match stage and what exactly to buy since no guide will give you a path to a winning strategy. It is better to understand how the economy works in Valorant, and then you will know what you need to do at each round without a cheat sheet.
Pistol Round
The pistol round is the first round of each half, in which all players start with 800 credits. The pistol round is extremely important, as its results will determine how the following rounds will go. Winning the pistol round gives a significant economic advantage, as the winning team will receive a certain amount of credits, allowing them to buy better weapons and armor in the following rounds. The team that loses this round will go through eco rounds or will be forced to buy cheaper weapons in order to save Valorant credits for a full purchase later.

Recommended purchases:
- Light Shields – 400 Creds
- Frenzy – 450 Creds
- Ghost – 500 Creds
- Abilities – depending on the situation
Eco Round
In the eco round, players generally should save and not make purchases or spend an insignificant amount to accumulate the creds for the following rounds. During these rounds, players focus on saving creds, buying basic weapons from the Valorant buy menu, or taking them from fallen enemies. If this round is lost, it will not significantly affect the team’s economy, and in the following rounds, they will have the means to make a comeback. If the team wins the eco round, it significantly affects the economy of the team that had an advantage at the beginning of the round.
Recommended purchases:
- Ideally no purchases
- Frenzy – 450 Creds
- Ghost – 500 Creds
Force Buy
Force buy is a situation where a team goes all in, and players spend all their Valorant credits despite the fact that they do not have enough creds for a full purchase. By winning this round, the team makes a comeback and levels out its economic situation. Losing this round, on the contrary, forces the team to return to eco rounds.
Recommended purchases:
- Stinger – 950 Creds
- Spectre – 1600 Creds
- Bucky – 850 Creds
- Light Shields – 400 Creds
Full Buy
Full buy is a phase where players can afford the best and preferred equipment, full armor, and all abilities. Such a round gives the team the maximum combat effectiveness and the greatest chance of winning. Losing in such a round can lead to either half-buy or eco rounds.
Recommended purchases:
- Phantom – 2900 Creds
- Vandal – 2900 Creds
- Operator – 4700 Creds
- Full Armor – 1000 Creds
- Any necessary abilities
Half Buy (Light Buy)
The half buy or light buy phase is a bit like the force buy round, but the difference is that players have credits for the next round and save up for a full buy. Players try to maintain their combat effectiveness in the current round by buying cheaper weapons, light armor, and limited abilities, but at the same time, save up Valorant credits for a full buy in the next round.

Recommended purchases:
- SMG or shotguns
- Light Shields – 400 Creds
- Limited abilities
Bonus Round
A bonus round occurs when a team wins a pistol round and the next round and decides not to make a purchase in this round but to keep the equipment from the previous one – usually SMGs or shotguns. This way, your team’s economic risks in case of a loss are minimal since you already have the resources for a full buy. In case of a win, this greatly undermines the enemy’s economy and allows your team to accumulate even more credits in the next round.
Recommended purchases:
- No purchases; continue using the weapons you already have
Anti-Eco Round
In the anti-eco round, your team assumes that the enemy team is in the eco round, and you make purchases accordingly to gain an advantage. Thus, winning the eco round will support your Valorant economy and will prevent the enemy from accumulating credits.
Recommended purchases:
- Rifles and abilities depending on the situation
Anti-Force Round
In an anti-force round, your team assumes that the enemy will have a force buy and plans an aggressive rush. The anti-force buy involves effective countermeasures. Typically, this is melee gear and various other measures to counter the enemy’s sudden attacks.
Recommended purchases:
- Any means that are suitable for close encounters
Economy Management Throughout The Game
Understanding how to properly manage the economy in Valorant at different stages of the match is key and often the determining factor in who wins. Here are some of the principles to follow during your match:
Early Game
- Winning the pistol round sets the foundation for economic stability in the next rounds.
- After winning the pistol round, try to enter the bonus round without spending all your Valorant credits. You may make a basic purchase of cheaper equipment, such as SMGs or shotguns, then save and enter the third bonus round. This way, you will secure economic stability and reach a full purchase round in the middle game.
- If you lose the pistol round, stick to the eco round strategy, saving credits or buying only basic pistols to try to ensure a full purchase in the third or fourth round.
Middle Game
- If everything goes well, you should already be at full buy by the third or fourth round.
- Use the economic situation to your advantage and react to your opponent’s buy. Try to anticipate and react accordingly to your opponent’s eco rounds or force buys.
- If you don’t have enough funds, consider eco rounds or make partial buys to reach full buy in the following rounds by the late game.
Late Game
- In the late game, any economic advantage can become a decisive factor. Spend credits wisely, and make full buys if you have funds to keep the pressure on your opponent.
- If the situation is not in your favor but you understand that you can take a risk and make a comeback, then prepare yourself and use the force buy strategy.

Common Economy Mistakes In Valorant
If you previously thought that Valorant was just a mindless shooter, now you see that there is a place for strategy. Try to avoid the mistakes in the Valorant economy that I list below. All of them are based on my own bitter experience.
Buying Into Lost Rounds
One of the most common mistakes is buying weapons and equipment after a series of losses. When a team loses several rounds in a row, it is important not to spend money on expensive weapons in the buy phase, as this can lead to a complete economic collapse. It is better to use eco rounds so that the team is ready for a full buy and is better prepared for the late game.
Poor Save Round Management
Knowing when to save creds is crucial. During eco rounds, skip purchases or only take the basics to save for later rounds. During half buys, prioritize cheaper weapons and gear options. This will allow you to maintain combat effectiveness without spending all your resources and be ready for a full buy in the next round.
Ignoring Team Economy
Ignoring the state of the team’s economy is a serious mistake. Each player should be aware of how much money the entire team has, how much creds are for the next round, and what strategy they are following for the next round. For example, if I, as a team leader, decide that we need an eco round, and my teammate makes a purchase, then in case of a loss, he will not be able to make a purchase according to my strategy for the next round.
Over-Investing In Abilities
Overspending on abilities can result in you not having enough money to buy the needed stuff in the next round if you lose. Take only what you need from the Valorant buy menu according to your strategy for the next round.
Not Utilizing The Overtime Bank
In the overtime, it is important to use the available money as efficiently as possible because each round decides the outcome of the game. Incorrect distribution of funds at such moments can lead to a predictable loss. Focus on buying the necessary weapons and useful items, and also make sure that all team members have enough equipment for the upcoming rounds.
Light Armor vs. Heavy Armor Misconceptions
A common mistake newbies make is thinking that light armor will be enough and will help save money for other gear. However, in situations where the enemy is fully stocked, having heavy armor is critical.
Poor Operation Economy
Inefficient use of resources can cost you the victory. It is important to keep track of what items and abilities are available to you and your opponent each round under the current conditions. Consider how many creds your opponents can get, try to anticipate what strategy they will choose, and adjust yours accordingly.
How Does Econ Rating Work?
Econ rating is a statistic that helps you understand how effectively you use your creds in the game. Econ rating calculates the damage that a player has done for every 1,000 credits spent.
To find out your Econ rating, you need to divide the damage done by the number of Valorant credits spent and then multiply by 1,000. A good result is considered if your Econ rating is within 50-70. This means that you do good damage for the money spent. 70-100 points and above show that you are using your financial resources well.
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Final Thoughts
Understanding the Valorant economy and being able to properly manage funds in the game is one of its foundations. In this article, I have indicated the main strategies for different rounds – when it is worth spending the accumulated credits and when you can abstain. I have also listed the main mistakes of Valorant players. Do not repeat them, and wisely manage the credits you earn in each round!
Frequently Asked Questions
Here's a streamlined explanation of the Valorant economy. Players start a round with the same amount of credits. As the game progresses and team members perform, they receive more creds, for which they can buy better weapons and equipment at the beginning of the next round. Also, they may continue with the current ones, thus growing their creds balance. When losing, the team receives less money, which will directly affect the team's purchases in the following rounds.
No, for each stage of the game, there are several strategies that should be used depending on the situation of the enemy and your team.
You may buy light armor when your budget suffers and when you understand what equipment the enemy will have in the next round.
When you are in the eco round, you should save credits.