17 Best Overwatch 2 Team Comps And Combos To Use If You Want To Win
by Dana Sydorenko Last update: December 15, 2024

💡 Highlights
- Overwatch 2 is a free-to-play first-person shooter with team-based gameplay.
- Heroes are divided into tanks, damage, and support classes.
- Popular Overwatch compositions include The Meta Comp, The Endless Barrage, and Impenetrable Fortress.
- Strategies like Dive Comp and Double Shield are effective for different scenarios.
- Team synergy and hero combinations are crucial for success.
- Flexibility in adapting to enemy teams is important.
- Communication and coordination are vital for winning matches.
Overwatch 2 is a heroic F2P first-person shooter from Blizzard Entertainment in which players are divided into two teams and choose heroes from an already impressive roster. Overwatch 2 primarily focuses on PvP combat across several modes and maps and features casual and ranked competitive matches. having played and enjoyed the game for way too many hours, I’ve made up a guide on all the best Overwatch 2 team comps with hero roles that allow you to use their ults to the fullest in all game modes. So, let’s explore this topic and learn about the top comps in Overwatch right now.
The Importance Of Choosing The Right Overwatch 2 Team Comp
Since Overwatch 2 is a competitive team game with an impressive number of heroes with unique weapons and skills, it is very important to choose the composition of heroes (comp) so that their abilities are ideally combined with each other.
Characters In Overwatch 2
Heroes in Overwatch 2 are divided into 3 classes:
- tanks – characters with good armor and health;
- damage characters – are usually very mobile and deal a lot of damage, but have average or low health;
- support characters – heal heroes and support them in battle with various abilities and utilities.
Below, I’ve compiled a table with all the available heroes in the game at the moment, divided by their roles.
Role | Heroes in Overwatch 2 |
Tank | DVa, Doomfist, Junker Queen, Mauga, Orisa, Ramattra, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Sigma, Winston, Wrecking Ball, Zarya |
Damage (DPS) | Ashe, Bastion, Cassidy, Echo, Genji, Hanzo, Junkrat, Mei, Pharah, Reaper, Sojourn, Soldier: 76, Sombra, Symmetra, Torbjorn, Tracer, Venture, Widowmaker |
Support (Healer) | Ana, Baptiste, Brigitte, Illari, Juno, Kiriko, Lifeweaver, Lucio, Mercy, Moira, Zenyatta |
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17 Most Powerful Overwatch 2 Team Comps
I’ve put together a list of the 17 most effective and efficient Overwatch team comps that you should try to improve your match performance. Also, you can familiarize yourself with the brief description of the features of each of the layouts.
The table includes updated info of of Overwatch 2 season 13 patch notes.
Team Name | Hero 1 | Hero 2 | Hero 3 | Hero 4 | Hero 5 |
The Meta Comp | Soldier 76: DPS | Baptiste: Healer | Orisa: Tank | Ana: Healer | Lucio: Healer |
The Endless Barrage | Orisa: Tank | Mercy: Healer | Hanzo: DPS | Junkrat: DPS | Pharah: DPS |
Impenetrable Fortress | Orisa: Tank | Sigma: Tank | Zenyatta: Healer | Symmetra: DPS | Ashe: DPS |
Zone Control Overflow | Orisa: Tank | Roadhog: Tank | Ana: Healer | Moira: Healer | Mei: DPS/Utility |
Double Shield | Orisa: Tank | Reinhardt: Tank | Widowmaker: DPS | Hanzo: DPS | Baptiste: Healer |
Stun Comp | Orisa: Tank | Roadhog: Tank | Sombra: DPS | McCree: DPS | Ana: Healer |
The Dive Comp | Winston: Tank | Dva: Tank | Lucio: Healer | Tracer: DPS/Flanker | Zenyatta: Healer |
The Alternative Dive | Dva: Tank | Wrecking Ball: Tank | Roadhog: Tank | Lucio: Healer | Reaper: DPS |
The Rush Comp | Soldier 76: DPS | Tracer: DPS/Flanker | Junker Queen: Tank | Lucio: Healer | Reinhardt: Tank |
Double Bubble | Zarya: Tank | Winston: Tank | Echo: DPS | Tracer: DPS | Brigitte: Healer |
Hamster Dive | Wrecking Ball: Tank | Winston: Tank | Sombra: DPS | Genji: DPS | Mercy: Healer |
Pure Offense Team Comp | Junker Queen: Tank | Sojourn: DPS | Genji: DPS | Brigitte: Healer | Lucio: Healer |
Traditional Dive | Dva: Tank | Winston: Tank | Genji: DPS | Tracer: DPS | Mercy: Healer |
Pharmercy | Pharah: DPS | Mercy: Healer | Winston: Tank | Genji: DPS | Ana: Healer |
Rein-Zarya | Reinhardt: Tank | Zarya: Tank | Sombra: DPS | Ana: Healer | Zenyatta: Healer |
Spam Comp | Echo: DPS | Hanzo: DPS | Zenyatta: Healer | Mercy: Healer | Orisa: Tank |
All-Purpose Healing Squad | Soldier 76: DPS | Junkrat: DPS | Roadhog: Tank | Mercy: Healer | Zenyatta: Healer |
By the way, if you are looking for Overwatch 2 players, you should try GameTree, as it’s an app specially designed for gamers to help them find fellow players to game with.
The Meta Comp

- Soldier 76 – DPS
- Baptiste – Healer
- Orisa – Tank
- Ana – Healer
- Lucio – Healer
The meta team roster in the game, as the name suggests, includes the strongest heroes currently available.
The current Overwatch 2 meta comp may change with hero balance updates, but for now, the best Overwatch team looks like this. I also recommend taking tanks, such as Orisa or Sigma, supported by healers Lucio, Ana, and Baptiste, and a strong Soldier 76.
Having three healers is key, but if you still need additional protection, then Baptiste can be replaced with a tank, for example, Sigma.
Orisa’s updated abilities make her a formidable tank when paired with another tank and healer like Ana. Soldier 76 adds self-healing and good damage to cover the flanks.

With good team chemistry, this is the ultimate Overwatch 2 team comp for various map modes.

This strategy is best effective on the escort protection map.
The Endless Barrage

- Orisa – Tank
- Mercy – Healer
- Hanzo – DPS
- Junkrat – DPS
- Pharah – DPS
An interesting and aggressive Overwatch comp, implemented through 3 DPS heroes.
Pharah and Mercy are perhaps one of the strongest combinations. However, this pair of heroes was directly countered by hit scans, such as Soldier 76 or Cassidy. Still, having skilled Junkrat and Pharah players who keep their distance can solve this problem since Junkrat’s high damage and mines can destroy the hero very quickly. Additionally, thanks to the changes made to Hanzo’s kit compared to his earlier versions in Overwatch, he becomes a third strong DPS in the hands of a skilled player.

Strong pick of heroes with high DPS.

Quite difficult to implement and requires good team play and high skill from the players
Impenetrable Fortress

- Orisa – Tank
- Sigma –Tank
- Zenyatta – Healer
- Symmetra – DPS
- Ashe – DPS
The three main heroes of such a team are Symmetra, Orisa, and Sigma, who, with proper coordination and planning, can create an impenetrable defense.
This trio will be greatly helped by Ashe here, as her ultimate Dynamite and B.O.B. cover long-range targets with ease, but you can also take Cassidy or Sombra if you wish. Zenyatta will be your main support, and it is very important that you cover him in order to prevent the enemy team from catching him on the flanks.

Strong Overwatch team composition with a lot of armor and good DPS

You need to watch and cover your heal all the time, and a Zenyatta player should perform well and heal tanks on time
Zone Control Overflow

- Orisa – Tank
- Roadhog – Tank
- Ana – Healer
- Moira – Healer
- Mei – DPS
Another good Overwatch comp based on defense. Ana is paired with Orisa and uses her as cover during the most intense fights. Orisa can destroy enemies with a powerful AoE explosion of Terra Surge Ultimate. The Roadhog provides an extra layer of defense as it can grapple and destroy enemies with its powerful shotgun.
Moira can act here as a backup assistant and also deal damage with her decaying abilities.
Mei is one of the best utility kit characters in the game, as she maintains high damage output with her blaster’s firing modes. She will be especially useful in defensive situations, thanks to her Blizzard Ultimate, freezing enemies in close proximity. Her ice wall will help block advancing enemies.

A combination with good defense and DPS to push the enemy

Requires coordinated work of tanks and supports so that this Overwatch 2 team composition works as it should
Double Shield

- Orisa – Tank
- Reinhardt – Tank
- Widowmaker – DPS
- Hanzo – DPS
- Baptiste – Healer
This arrangement will allow you to hold the point and make it incredibly difficult for the enemy to get through there. Orisa and Reinhardt protect either the front and rear at the same time or in one direction at a time.
Since this Overwatch 2 team comp is inactive, it combines well with Widowmaker and Hanzo snipers. For healers, you’ll need a lot of hit points, so Baptiste and his Immortality Shield will work well here.

This build is perfect for protecting and holding a point

There are stronger Overwatch team comps for most situations
Stun Comp

- Orisa – Tank
- Roadhog – Tank
- Sombra – DPS
- McCree – DPS
- Ana – Healer
The essence of this arrangement is simple but very effective: each of these characters has one ability, which in one form or another limits the movement of the enemy. This composition is a direct counter pick to very mobile heroes, such as Tracer, Genji and Doomfist, which will disrupt the enemy’s rhythm and prevent aggressive attacks on you.

Good layout if you are facing a team designed for quick aggression and swift attacks

Requires coordinated actions and competent use of stuns
The Dive Comp

- Winston – Tank
- Dva – Tank
- Lucio – Healer
- Tracer – DPS
- Zenyatta – Healer
This team works well in attack, both pushing the enemy’s defense and performing rapid attacks on his back line. Select Tracer or Sombra on the flanks to deal with support or utility heroes by creating weak points. Winston will help with suppression. After destroying a minimum of one enemy, continue the attack with the whole group. Lucio needs to switch between boosting speed and healing to maintain momentum. As additional support for removing debuffs, Zenyatta or Ana are good candidates.

An excellent Overwatch comp for aggressive play and quick push of the enemy

Requires well-coordinated play and quick decision-making
The Alternative Dive

- Dva – Tank
- Wrecking Ball – Tank
- Roadhog – Tank
- Lucio – Healer
- Reaper – DPS
Another variation of the popular combination is based on the Dive comp strategy but has some changes that add some flavor to it.
We will have three tanks in the alternate lineup, which will include the energetic duo of Wrecking Ball and Roadhog. Even though the comp includes three tanks, Roadhog’s self-healing with Take-a-Breather is quite effective.
Wrecking Ball is a great choice for this Overwatch team build, thanks to his ball-form movement and distinctive abilities such as Grappling Claw and Piledriver. You should aim to rush into the fight with Wrecking Ball and Dva. Roadhog attacks from the flank and finishes off while the rest of the tanks support the enemy’s push.
Lucio also gives speed and healing boosts here. The fifth and remaining hero can be chosen at your discretion, adapting to the enemy team; it can be either a Reaper or an additional healer like Ana or Mercy.

When the team works together, this is a very powerful combination

For successful assaults, you need to constantly make sure that your tanks receive a sufficient amount of healing
The Rush Comp

- Soldier 76 – DPS
- Tracer – DPS
- Junker Queen – Tank
- Lucio – Healer
- Reinhardt – Tank
Rush comp is a very powerful combo and is designed for a coordinated attack on the opponent’s defense. The idea is to use Lucio and his speed boost on Junker Queen and Reinhardt to surprise your enemy’s backline. As a great tank, Junker Queen fits well into this build using Jagged Blade and Carnage Melee abilities.
If necessary, Soldier 76 can be replaced with other DPS, such as Genji or Sojourn. Likewise, Tracer can be replaced with Reaper or Junkrat for burst damage.

An excellent Overwatch comp for those who like fast and aggressive attacks

It requires pre-planned aggression, just like the Dive comp strategy
The Lucio player must be careful because, with his death, the very essence of this layout falls apart
The team must heal on time and be ready for strong defensive countermeasures
Double Bubble

- Zarya – Tank
- Winston – Tank
- Echo – DPS
- Tracer – DPS
- Brigitte – Healer
Zarya and Winston work well together, and heroes with good DPS will be suitable for their company. Zarya bubbles Winston when he dives with Tracer and Echo. If desired, Tracer can be replaced with Sombra. Winston will then use his bubble to separate enemies, blocking support from their tanks and DPS to facilitate kills on the enemy. Brigitte will perform well in the support role in this OW2 team comp, and you can also replace her with Zenyatta or Ana if desired.

With good coordinated team play, this layout is very strong

Requires skilled players for tanks and generally strong team play
Hamster Dive

- Wrecking Ball – Tank
- Winston – Tank
- Sombra – DPS
- Genji – DPS
- Mercy – Healer
Wrecking Ball is a very fun hero when used correctly. His strength lies in the fact that he is good at breaking into slow-moving Overwatch team comps. He can roll up to them, use his Pile Drive to stun the enemy, and thus allow the rest of the team to rush in and destroy the foe.
He should be paired with Winston, who can dive with him, as well as Sombra, who can use her hack to disable key enemy abilities. Mercy will also be indispensable since she has excellent mobility and can dive along with both tanks. The second attacking player can be Genji or Tracer, or, if you lack support, Lucio is perfect for this role.

Good and mobile pick against sedentary Overwatch comps

The Wrecking Ball player needs to actively rush in and force a fight, and the support needs to monitor the health of the hamster and be in the right place at the right time
Pure Offense Team Comp

- Junker Queen –Tank
- Sojourn – DPS
- Genji – DPS
- Brigitte – Healer
- Lucio – Healer
This Overwatch comp is designed to deal a huge amount of damage in a limited period. Junker Queen is a very strong tank if used timely and thoughtfully. Her high damage pairs well with heroes like Sojourn and Genji, who can blind the enemy and defeat them accordingly.
The key hero here will also be Lucio, as he can heal in a large radius and also give you a boost with the Speed Boost ability.

This comp is designed for high damage and aggressive attack

The team must constantly monitor Lucio since his abilities are key, as well as act in an organized manner and heal quickly
Traditional Dive

- Dva – Tank
- Winston – Tank
- Genji – DPS
- Tracer – DPS
- Mercy – Healer
The essence of this Overwatch 2 team comp is to jump on a target, destroy it, and then jump back again and move on to the next target. This is a very mobile composition, in which Dva and Winston coordinate the targets to dive on, and Mercy also dives with them as support. To attack, you need Genji and Tracer, who can easily dive alongside tanks.

A good mobile comp that is especially effective against slow heroes

The player must play well as a support and monitor the health of the team

- Pharah – DPS
- Mercy – Healer
- Winston – Tank
- Genji – DPS
- Ana – Healer
The spamming power that Pharah provides is great for countering shields, especially when increasing damage. This Overwatch 2 team comp is great for any maps with a lot of tall buildings for cover, as well as most control maps, as they allow the duo to simply spam the point. This combination is quite flexible in terms of DPS and tank choices. The only thing that should not be changed is the support hero, Ana, so that the team has stable healing.

A universal combination with variability in the choice of DPS heroes is well-suited for control maps

Pharah and Mercy will be vulnerable if the enemy has experienced snipers and hitscan attackers

- Reinhardt – Tank
- Zarya – Tank
- Sombra DPS
- Ana – Healer
- Zenyatta – Healer
Reinhardt + Zarya are one of the best Overwatch 2 team comps as tanks. Both tanks have powerful ultimates that can be rotated, and both tanks can use each other’s ultimates to farm their own ones. Zarya can regularly bubble Reinhardt to keep the charge high, so they pair well together.
Sombra is a great choice for the DPS role, as she can use her EMP in tandem with Earth Shatter of Reinhardt or Graviton Surge of Zarya.

Balanced combination with excellent armor and recovery

You need good team play so that tanks and heals work in pairs
Spam Comp

- Echo – DPS
- Hanzo – DPS
- Zenyatta – Healer
- Mercy – Healer
- Orisa – Tank
The key characters of this Overwatch comp will be Echo and Hanzo. Echo is capable of dealing massive damage with her sticky bombs, and Hanzo’s arrows are perfect for hitting tanks.
This combo pairs well with support, which will boost your damage. Zenyatta is a great addition due to her ability to spam attacks and essentially works as a third DPS hero, helping Echo and Hanzo. Mercy is not only a good healer in this comp, but she can also buff the damage of Echo and Hanzo.

This is a great combo if the enemy relies heavily on shields or has slow heroes

Like any composition designed for aggression and a quick attack, this Overwatch 2 team comp can suffer from a lack of armor and requires coordinated team actions
All-Purpose Healing Squad

- Soldier 76 – DPS
- Junkrat – DPS
- Roadhog – Tank
- Mercy – Healer
- Zenyatta – Healer
At one time, in the original Overwatch, five supports plus a tank was a good strategy that worked. In Overwatch 2, you can repeat a similar option. However, instead of all healers, we will rely on heroes that can self-heal, such as Soldier 76 with Biotic Field ability and Roadhog with his Take-a-Breather ability.
This team can be one of the most efficient Overwatch comps. Junkrat should be paired with Mercy to increase his damage and maintain his health while he pelts enemies with grenades and mines.

Good pick of heroes for a control match type

The healer must actively monitor the health of the team; there may be a lack of protection, but you can compensate for this by taking another tank to the team
Lacking Overwatch Team Members? Try GameTree
Whatever Overwatch 2 comp you choose, a large share of the effectiveness depends primarily on the coordination of the actions of all players. If you are tired of playing with strangers or you lack experienced players with specific skills, download GameTree! This is a gaming application for finding fellow players.
I love GameTree because it is a dedicated app for gamers with all the necessary features, including AI-based matchmaking, voice chat, integration with messengers, and much more. In GameTree, you can meet other players with the necessary skills and assemble the best Overwatch team comps.
Final Thoughts
The comps described above are the most common now in Overwatch 2, and some of them are time-tested. As developers make changes to heroes and nerf some things and strengthen others, it can always turn out that one comp begins to work worse than before, or unpopular Overwatch comps can suddenly become meta. I’ve outlined the most common and popular comps, so you should try them all. The game actively encourages experimentation and creative thinking when choosing your strategy, so the main thing is to assemble an effective and versatile team of well-matched players.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is The Best Overwatch 2 Comp?
The meta comp is the best team comp in Overwatch 2.
What Are Overwatch Comps?
A comp is a team of heroes whose abilities are best combined with each other.
What Is A Good Overwatch 2 Team Comp For DVA?
The Dive comp can be considered one of the best Overwatch 2 team comps for DVA.