Best Overwatch 2 Characters For The Current Season 14

💡 Highlights
- Total number of heroes in the Overwatch 2 tier list increased to 42 with the addition of Hazard, a tank character, introduced in season 14.
- There are 5 tiers on Overwatch 2, from S to D. S tier is the strongest one, while D-tier characters are rarely picked as they require improvements.
- The Overwatch meta changes with each new season or when there are significant changes to the balance.
On December 10th, Overwatch 2 Season 14, called Hazard, started, which has prepared a lot of new interesting things for players. It would seem that only recently, the Overwatch meta was always discussed on Reddit, and now there is a new season already! In addition to various new content, Season 14 rebalanced many heroes, so the meta from the previous season has also changed. So, I have compiled the current Overwatch 2 tier list to make it easier and faster for you to figure out which heroes you should pay attention to first in New Frontiers.
About Overwatch 2 Meta And Season 14 Changes
The new season of Overwatch 2 brought many changes to the game and new content. The developers surprised us with a new hero — Hazard, a 6v6 Role Queue experiment, as well as the return of Winter Wonderland event and many hero updates.
Overwatch 2 Tier List Explained
Since Overwatch 2 has so many heroes with unique abilities, there are tiers to help players quickly understand how some heroes compare to others. This gradation usually reflects the general trend of the number of hero picks and their wins compared to others. The Overwatch tier list is relevant for a specific season or before a major update that makes adjustments to the balance of heroes. In fact, it works the same way as in all Overwatch-like games.
The gradation goes from the S tier, which contains the strongest heroes at the moment. They are present in the current Overwatch meta and will be encountered in almost every match. They are a must-pick for professional players and generally have the best winning statistics.
The lowest is the D tier, with heroes requiring revision and not well-suited for ranked matches. Yet, there are always players who know their hero’s intricacies and shortcomings well and can perform impeccably even with a hero from the B tier. However, I generally recommend choosing heroes from the highest Overwatch 2 tiers to grow in the ranks and win. So, here’s the full Overwatch 2 tier list for Season 14.
Tier | Heroes |
S | Tracer, Sojourn, Zarya, Sigma, Mauga, Ana, Lucio, Kiriko |
A | Ashe, Sombra, Cassidy, Venture, Pharah, D.Va, Orisa, Junker Queen, Baptiste, Illari, Hazard |
B | Widowmaker, Ramattra, Reaper, Soldier 76, Mei, Bastion, Echo, Genji, Doomfist, Winston, Roadhog, Moira, Brig, Juno |
C | Reinhardt, Symmetra, Torbjorn, Wrecking Ball, Zenyatta |
D | Hanzo, Junkrat, Mercy, Lifeweaver |
S Tier
The S tier contains the best Overwatch 2 characters in Season 14. These heroes will be present in almost all matches and are ideal for all maps and compositions. These are ultimate heroes with strong abilities that have no drawbacks. Some of the heroes can almost always stay in this Overwatch 2 tier list, while others get there after rebalancing in the latest patches. These heroes are most often chosen by professionals, but they will also be the best choice for ordinary players to win and increase their rank. So, the S tier right now includes:
- Tracer;
- Sojourn;
- Zarya;
- Sigma;
- Mauga;
- Ana;
- Lucio;
- Kiriko.

A Tier
The A tier also includes very strong heroes, which, however, may have minor drawbacks that prevent them from objectively getting into the S tier. Heroes from this Overwatch 2 tier list may show themselves worse on some maps or may be quite difficult to master. These heroes are less versatile and will be present on fewer maps in professional games. Nevertheless, this is a good choice for winning matches and growing in ranks. Here is my list of heroes for A tier:
- Ashe;
- Sombra;
- Cassidy;
- Venture;
- Pharah;
- D.Va;
- Orisa;
- Junker Queen;
- Baptiste;
- Illari.
B Tier
The B tier is all about heroes that are average in every sense. These are not bad heroes, but they usually have one or more drawbacks. They may have weaker abilities than in tier A or a narrower specialization, which does not make them effective on certain maps. These heroes are usually used even less by professional players, and in general, they require further improvement and rebalancing. The Overwatch 2 B-tier list of heroes in Season 14 is as follows:
- Widowmaker;
- Ramattra;
- Reaper;
- Soldier 76;
- Mei;
- Bastion;
- Echo;
- Genji;
- Doomfist;
- Winston;
- Roadhog;
- Moira;
- Brig;
- Juno;
- Hazard.

C Tier
The C tier contains highly specialized heroes. They can be good in certain situations and on certain maps, but they are even less often taken on the professional scene. These are not the best Overwatch characters since they require some skills and are hard to play if your goal is to increase your rank. However, there are always players who may favor the heroes from this list and perform well with them. The list of heroes for the C tier is as follows:
- Symmetra;
- Reinhardt;
- Torbjorn;
- Wrecking Ball;
- Zenyatta.
D Tier
Tier D is similar to the previous one, but these heroes are not suitable for increasing the rank in season 14 and require further improvements. These are also very narrowly specialized heroes, or there are simply analogs to them that will be stronger or easier to master. The following heroes fall into the Overwatch hero D-tier list:
- Junkrat;
- Hanzo;
- Mercy;
- Lifeweaver.

Best Overwatch 2 DPS Characters
DPS heroes or damage dealers are heroes who deal the main damage and are responsible for finding and eliminating the enemy team’s heroes using their various abilities and ultimates. In the table below, you can find out which damage dealers belong to which Overwatch 2 tier.
Tier | Heroes |
S | Tracer, Sojourn |
A | Ashe, Sombra, Cassidy, Venture, Pharah |
B | Widowmaker, Reaper, Soldier 76, Mei, Bastion, Echo, Genji |
C | Symmetra, Torbjorn |
D | Hanzo, Junkrat |
Overwatch Tank Hero Tier List
Tanks are one of the key heroes because they need to be on the front line, absorb a lot of damage, and cover DPS heroes, distracting attention to themselves and thus opening a window of opportunity to damage the enemy. These heroes lead the attack, destroying fortified enemy positions. Here is a table for tanks from the Overwatch 2 meta to less effective characters in Season 14 of Overwatch 2.
Tier | Heroes |
S | Zarya, Sigma, Mauga |
A | D.Va, Orisa, Junker Queen, |
B | Doomfist, Ramattra, Winston, Roadhog |
C | Reinhardt, Wrecking Ball |
Best Overwatch Support Characters
Support is a role that should not be underestimated. These heroes on this Overwatch 2 tier list may have fewer kills per match compared to DPS or tanks, but they have the vital job of supporting and healing both tanks and damage dealers. Without a good support hero in the team, tanks can quickly become useless, and the team can crumble in the face of an organized onslaught from the enemy. In addition to healing, support heroes also help their team by increasing their damage and providing various vital utilities. Support is the backbone of your team’s survival, and here is an Overwatch 2 tank characters tier list.
Tier | Heroes |
S | Ana, Lucio, Kiriko |
A | Baptiste, Illari |
B | Moira, Brig, Juno |
C | Zenyatta |
D | Mercy, Lifeweaver |
Still Looking For Overwatch 2 Teammates? Try GameTree
In Overwatch 2, it is critical to assemble a balanced team, have a strategy, and achieve synergy between players. If you want to join a well-coordinated squad and play harmoniously instead of getting into a lobby with strangers every time, download the GameTree app. This is a matchmaking platform for true gamers, where people meet and agree on matches together. How do you find teammates? Just fill out a profile and add Overwatch to your list of favorite games. Artificial intelligence will analyze your playstyle, level in Overwatch 2, and what character from the Overwatch 2 hero tier list you play. Based on this, it will select the best teammates for you, and you can start to conquer the ranked mode in Season 14 together!