INFP – Inspired Idealist

💡 Highlights
- Personality Type: INFP (Dreamers, Idealists, Mediators, Empaths, Humanists).
- Strengths: determination, sincere desire to make the world a better place, search for purpose and meaning of existence, dreaming, idealism, vivid emotions and imagination, individualism, value of uniqueness and self-expression, intuition about people.
- Preferences: reluctance to impose, belief in equal personal space, preference to be in a group but not the center of attention, turning thoughts into art forms (poems, paintings), displaying the emotions of others rather than absorbing them, love of anime.
- Passions and hobbies: endless search for meaning in life, high standards for myself and my work for others.
INFPs (also known as Dreamers, Idealists, Mediators, Healers, Empaths, Humanists, EII, Dostoyevsky) are determined people who want to make the world a better place. Their main goal is to find purpose and meaning in their lives. They constantly question themselves about how they can best serve humanity. At their core, they are dreamers and idealists with strong emotions and imaginations.
Being individualists, INFPs hold uniqueness and self-expression as sacred. Alongside this mentality is a dislike to impose themselves on others; this extends from their ideas to even personal space. As a private and social type, they like to be in groups, but not the center of attention.
In these groups, INFPs have a strong intuition concerning people. They rely on this intuitive sense to guide them in their permanent search for value in life. Combined with their powerful creativity, they conjure colorful fantasies. They are great at channeling their expansive perspectives into various art forms such as writing and drawing. They also empathize, not by directly absorbing other’s emotions in-person, but by mirroring emotions in themselves. These qualities combined are why much of Japanese anime is created, and consumed, by INFPs. Their idealism results in high standards for themselves and their work for us all to enjoy.
Games INFPs Like
Recommended Genres: MMO’s, RPG’s, JRPG’s, cooperative, indie, and adventure
Recommended Platforms: Tabletop, Computer, Mobile, Playstation, Wii
Recommended Games: Elder Scrolls Online, World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy, Lineage II, Mass Effect, Fallout, Witcher III, Dragon Age, Portal 2, Pandemic, Eldritch Horror, Gloomhaven
- Love RPG’s
- Play support roles the most
- Dislike racing games
- Like strategy games the least
- Like open world games the most
- Play uncommon game genres the most
INFPs prefer games with deep character development and great storytelling rather than a fast-pace and a demand for mechanical skill. These preferred game qualities are most often exemplified in RPG’s, which most draw in INFPs. When it comes to multiplayer, INFPs like cooperative games and support roles due to their conflict-avoidant nature and lack of desire to be in the spotlight.
Cars, by their mechanical nature, are not very human. They are also quite real-world focused. In the INFP’s imaginative people-focused world, racing games hold little appeal.
Despite their abstract creative minds which tend to fare well with strategy games, INFPs play them less than other intuitives due to the genre’s often impersonal nature. This is not true for open world games, where INFPs are free to craft their own stories in the meaning they ascribe to their encounters.
A fan of the underdog, INFPs do not shun unpopular games or genres. They also like exploring rare and niche options.
INFP Video Game Characters
INFPs are often characterized by their idealism, creativity, and deep empathy. In video games, INFP characters tend to be dreamers, healers, or visionaries who bring a unique perspective to their worlds and often embark on journeys of self-discovery.
Here’s a list of INFP (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving) video game characters from various game types:
- Frisk (Undertale)
- Venti (Genshin Impact)
- Neon (Valorant)
- Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter video games)
- Rinoa Heartilly (Final Fantasy VIII)
- Wattson (Apex Legends)
- Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy VII Remake interpretation)
- Zidane Tribal (Final Fantasy IX)
- Raziel (Legacy of Kain series)
- Leliana (Dragon Age series)
- Ori (Ori and the Blind Forest/Will of the Wisps)
- Yuna (Final Fantasy X-2 specifically)
- Zenyatta (Overwatch)
- Noctis Lucis Caelum (Final Fantasy XV, some interpretations)
Famous INFP’s
- Samwell Tarly
- Miyazaki
- half of all anime characters ever
- Homer
- William Shakespeare
- Carl Rogers
- Jacqueline Kennedy
- Julia Roberts
- Scott Bakula
- John F. Kennedy
- Jr. Lisa Kudrow

Why Be Friends With an INFP
1. Help you realize your true colors.
INFPs prize individuality, theirs and yours. They will give you strength to be yourself and not judge you for the things you are most shy about.
2. Loyalty and kindness
Getting an INFP to open up to you is a rewarding treasure in itself. What you will find afterward though is a true friend who will go to the ends of the Earth for you.
3. Being looked up to is inspiring
In addition to being non-judgmental towards your negatives, INFPs marvel at your strengths. It is a true confidence booster being admired, a feeling that pushes you to even greater heights.
4. They let you shine
INFPs bring a good balance to those who like to be the center of attention. You will also learn a thing or two about from their politeness and thoughtfulness.
5. Cool art
INFPs are the types most likely to be talented at creative drawing and writing. It can be interesting to see their creations and sometimes they will even make things on your behalf too.
How to Make Friends With an INFP
1. Beware their comfort zone
Despite their non-judgmental interest in others, INFPs guard their own rich inner worlds because they value them so much, and are in turn easily hurt there. Don’t criticize INFPs or ask too personal of questions too quickly. Structure your questions broadly so the INFP can choose what they want to share.
2. Open Up
If you open up and make yourself vulnerable, the INFP will fall right in. Anything emotional is sweet juicy nectar for them. Along these lines, INFPs care less about things like what you like and more about why you like them.
3. Do a project together
Because many INFPs like designing characters, stories, and lore, this is a good activity to share with them. You could hop in alongside them or take on another role in a project like mechanic design or coding. They also don’t like promoting themselves, so any marketing or sales you can do for them is very helpful.
4. Discuss big ideas with ethical implications
To an INFP “deep conversations” entail individuality and personal matters. This could be about you, about a specific character or group of people, or even about societal trends.
Advice for INFPs on Making Friends
1. Deal with depression
Because you are so idealistic, it is easy to give up hope when the rest of the world isn’t as bright you’d like it to be. Your type is the easiest to get depressed, so it’s important to have good friends – both for their cheery dispositions, and to help pull you out when you start to withdraw too much.
2. Let it out
You have a lot of gifts to share with the world. It can often be a callous place because others are scared too. By opening up first, others will feel safe as well. Most criticism you can receive is actually about your methods, and not the intent, and is given from a place of kindness as some people, in their own world-views, like receiving criticism for feedback on how to grow.
3. Don’t give in
If people step over the line, let them know. It’s hard for you to get in the way of one’s authentic self-expression, but sometimes it’s nice to be mean – for them, for other victims, and even for yourself. Given how you are, you’ll be spending more time feeling hurt and regretting not confronting others than the hurt another person will likely feel.
4. Awareness of time/space
With an inner world and imaginations as deep and rich as yours, it’s easy to lose track of what’s going on outside. It helps to keep a calendar or to-do list with notifications so you don’t miss stuff.
What’s next?
Now that you know everything about this type, try making friends with one, or arrange a game using our app. GameTree is 100% free and available both on the App Store and Google Play.