What Is A Team Ace In Valorant?

What Does “Team Ace” Mean in Valorant?

💡 Team Ace Meaning in Valorant

  1. Team Ace in Valorant occurs when all five players on a team contribute at least one kill in a single round, showcasing a balanced and collaborative effort in eliminating the entire enemy team.

Greetings, Valorant virtuosos and teamwork enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into a term that celebrates the pinnacle of team coordination: the Team Ace. If you’ve ever felt the rush of your entire squad contributing to a flawless round, you’ve experienced the thrill of a Team Ace. Let’s break down this collaborative carnage and see why it’s the toast of tactical play!

What Is A Team Ace In Valorant?

A Team Ace in Valorant is when all five players on a team get at least one kill in a single round. It’s like a high-five, but instead of hands, you’re using bullets, abilities, and perfect timing. This feat showcases a well-rounded team effort where everyone contributes to taking down the enemy squad.

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The Origins of The Term

The concept of an “Ace” in gaming isn’t new – it’s long been used to describe one player eliminating the entire enemy team. The term likely originated from aviation, where an “ace” pilot was one who had shot down multiple enemy aircraft.

The “Team Ace” is a natural evolution of this concept. As team-based shooters became more popular and complex, players started recognizing the value of balanced team contributions. The term gained traction in games like Counter-Strike and Rainbow Six Siege before making its way to Valorant.


In Valorant, with its diverse agent abilities and emphasis on teamwork, the Team Ace became a celebrated achievement. It represents not just individual skill, but also perfect team coordination and balanced play.

The Difference Between a “Team Ace” and “Ace”

While both are impressive feats, there are key differences between a Team Ace and a traditional Ace:

  1. Individual vs. Collective:
    • Ace: One player gets all five kills.
    • Team Ace: Each team member gets at least one kill.
  2. Skill Showcase:
    • Ace: Highlights individual prowess and possibly “carry” potential.
    • Team Ace: Demonstrates team coordination and balanced skill across the squad.
  3. Frequency:
    • Ace: More common, especially in unbalanced matches.
    • Team Ace: Rarer, requires specific circumstances and teamwork.
  4. Strategic Implication:
    • Ace: Can indicate a player finding a perfect flank or timing.
    • Team Ace: Often suggests a well-executed team strategy or perfect trade scenario.
  5. Morale Impact:
    • Ace: Huge boost for the individual player, can sometimes overshadow team effort.
    • Team Ace: Collective morale boost, reinforces team cohesion.

How To Use The Term “Team Ace” Correctly?

Using “Team Ace” correctly is all about context and timing. Here are some tips:

  1. Round End: Call out “Team Ace!” at the end of a round where every team member got a kill.
  2. Celebrations: Use it to hype up your team, “Great job everyone, that’s a Team Ace!”
  3. Strategy Discussion: Mention past Team Aces when planning, “Remember that Team Ace on B? Let’s try that setup again.”
  4. Scoreboard Check: After a round, you might say, “Wait, did everyone get a kill? Was that a Team Ace?”
  5. Clips and Highlights: When sharing gameplay, you might title a video, “Insane Team Ace on Ascent!”
  6. Avoiding Confusion: Be clear to distinguish it from a solo Ace, “Not just an Ace, but a full Team Ace!”


Remember, a Team Ace is about celebrating collective achievement, so use it to boost team morale and recognize everyone’s contribution!

Other Related Terms

When discussing Team Aces in Valorant, you might encounter these related terms:

  1. Ace: When a single player eliminates all five enemy players.
  2. Clutch: Winning a round against multiple opponents when you’re the last player standing.
  3. Flawless Round: Winning a round without any team members dying.
  4. Trade: Quickly killing an enemy who just killed your teammate.
  5. Frag: A kill, often used in phrases like “Who got the last frag for the Team Ace?”
  6. Entry Frag: The first kill of a round, often crucial in setting up a Team Ace.
  7. Assist: Damaging an enemy without getting the kill, which can contribute to a Team Ace.
  8. Clean Round: A round won decisively, often associated with Team Aces.
  9. 5v5 Retake: A post-plant situation where all players are alive, a prime scenario for a potential Team Ace.
  10. Eco Ace: A Team Ace achieved with low-cost weapons, making it even more impressive.
  11. Full Buy: A round where everyone has full equipment, often setting the stage for Team Ace attempts.
  12. Crossfire: A tactical setup where teammates cover each other, often leading to well-distributed kills in a Team Ace.

There you have it, team players and ace chasers! You’re now well-versed in the art of the Team Ace. Remember, while solo plays can be flashy, there’s something special about a round where everyone gets to shine. It’s not just about the kills; it’s about the beautiful ballet of bullets and abilities that leads to a perfectly balanced victory. So next time you’re in a match, keep an eye out for those rounds where everyone’s contributing – you might just call out “Team Ace!” and bask in the glory of ultimate teamwork. Now get out there, coordinate those crossfires, and may your Team Aces be as frequent as Brimstone’s “pep talks”!

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