What your personality type says about your gaming tastes

The best thing about horoscopes, besides the fact that they’re fun, is that they feed the vain hunger we all have for self-analysis. There’s a reason Buzzfeed personality tests have been so popular, just as there’s a reason people read their horoscopes regularly. People like to be told things about themselves: how they think and how they dream, their strengths and weaknesses, their goals and passions.
Until now, these Buzzfeed quizzes and horoscopes have been largely hunches, or even drawn out by reading the stars – which is all well and good, but what if there was a legitimate, scientific way to discover who you really are, and more – what games you’d really like?
That’s what we’re here to delve into today. What does your personality type say about your gamer DNA? Luckily for you, GameTree has crunched the numbers and drawn out the game genres best suited to each personality type.
The personality types are based on the Jungian typography personality framework, which has splintered into many schools to become the most widely used in the world. Click here to read up about the type of personality analysis GameTree uses. For a quick run-down, people of each of the 16 personality types prefer a different set of thinking processes for taking in and processing information. From this you can tell a lot about what a person is like. This knowledge is useful in every facet of life including personal development, dating, jobs, and yes, you guessed it, friendships and gaming.
Not sure which personality type you are? Just jump over to GameTree and take the 21-question test! Click here to take the test!
The below guide is a preliminary analysis with room for future improvement. It’s worth noting that the personality scores are indicative and represent tendencies across people’s general behaviour. It would be unrealistic to categorize all human behaviour into only 16 categories that are applicable to every person in every situation!
If you’re in the throes of an existential crisis, on the hunt for new games you’d like, or just looking for games you actually enjoy playing, you’ve come to the right place. GameTree can help you understand yourself, while helping you discover friends, games, news, events and more, based on your unique tastes and personality. We’re here to show you that AI isn’t all that terrifying!
So, let’s get to it!

If a player comes across someone exploring the remote, outskirts of Skyrim, or architecting an 11th-century-style castle in Minecraft, it’s most likely an INTP. INTP’s are objective, analytical, and logical. Being an explorer is something that comes naturally to them. INTPs function best in situations that permit them to pace themselves, play by their own rules, and creatively find their way out of tricky situations. It should be no surprise that the genre most preferred by INTPs is ‘casual’, but don’t be fooled by the low learning curve of casual games. INTPs apply their ability to explore new theories and think flexibly to bend rules you didn’t even know could be bent and win in ways you never saw coming.

A typical portrait of an INTJ would be of someone confident, analytical, and ambitious. They are independent thinkers focused on rigorously solving problems. Their logical minds combined with their ability to back themselves makes ‘strategy’ a strong frontrunner for INTJ’s preferred gaming genre. Give an INTJ a goal and they’ll organize, plan, and execute with vigor! There’s no stalemate an INTJ can’t think themselves out of.

Here’s the thing about being an INFP. They’re probably the most reluctant personality type to engage in conflict. They’re totally drained by rigid or unnecessary routine. Pessimism, and teamwork are also just straight-up frustrating. So, naturally, having to engage in combat with vicious enemies and time-constraining pressure games are just not appealing. Adventure games, however, where they can lose themselves in the narrative, follow their gut instincts, and flex their creativity are where it’s at for an INFP. INFPs far outnumber other personality types in the adventure category, but it’s not about being better. Level grinding and capital-accumulation are not as interesting as a side quest, getting lost, and stumbling on stunning scenery, or exploring never-before-seen territory. INFPs also outperform other personality types in the Casual games category, which demonstrates yet again how unconcerned they are about winning!

The escapist, fantastical worlds created in roleplaying games are very appealing to a private and conflict-averse INFJ. When an INFJ is able to slip behind the mask of a character and indulge in the magic and freedom of an RPG world, insurmountable obstacles can be tackled with quiet mastery. Their commitment to particular moral values and sensitivity to the needs of those around them make RPGs with an emphasis on ‘saving the world’ particularly appealing. Perhaps because of this team spirit, according to the data, INFJs dislike games in the sports and racing genre. If striving to be better and better the world around them are part of their nature, measuring their success in this is not done by coming in first place! INFJs can truly find their heroic side in the noble, enigmatic realms of RPGs.

There is no typical ISTP. This personality type tirelessly explores the world rationally and with curiosity. Taking things apart to figure out how they work and always on the search for unique solutions to problems make this personality type one of the most innovative and diverse. Their skills are applicable to a range of challenges and the data reflects this. ISTPs perform almost equally well across all gaming genres, but they do tilt the scales ever so slightly towards the adventure category. These naturally routine-averse, independent, creative explorers enjoy the non-linear narrative and freedom of adventure games. This is not unlike the similarly analytical, introverted INTJ personality type; in fact, these two types are frequently mistaken to be the other. ISTPs, however, are rooted in the here and now which is what makes adventure games more fitting for them than the forward-thinking strategy genre that suits the INTJs.

If you’re an ISTJ personality type who pays attention to these kinds of articles, you’ve probably been classed as reserved, orderly, and practical before. But even ISTJs need a break from time to time. Games under the sports and racing genre provide the perfect respite. When the lack of structure in the real world becomes too much for the ISTJs, the easy-to-learn and defined rules of sport and racing games are too good to resist. Plus, their ability to stay calm in high-pressure situations, clearly defined goals and shorter duration of these games make them ideal for ISTJs. However, an ISTJ’s gamer ID is not completely void of their methodical and logical nature. This personality type show the lowest rates of interest in the Music and Party genre of all personalities!

Being unconventional is what ISFPs do best. This is a personality type that thrives in environments where they are free to be spontaneous. ISFPs, from Picasso to Hagrid in Harry Potter to Michael Jackson have never been afraid to stand out and go against the grain. If a designer has prescribed certain movements to level up, an ISFP is likely to just walk the other way altogether. This is the reason why ISFP types enjoy sports and racing games the least: strict rules, straight forward progression sequences and a win/lose outcome are a nightmare for them! ISFPs are the bush bashers, the path forgers, the adventurers. So what is the game genre best suited to ISFPs? You guessed it… Adventure games.

For a guardian or defender personality type who takes pleasure in making positive contributions to the world around them and energetically takes care of others, it isn’t surprising that this personality type has a marked presence in social gaming. An ISFJ’s inbuilt ability to check-up on friends or family means their time investment in chat functions and emphasis on the online community takes priority over winning or losing. This makes sense for a personality type geared towards being supportive and benevolent. What does come as a surprise, however, is that ISFJs find games in the fighting genre just as appealing. Perhaps this personality type is a true dark horse. This duality doesn’t only occur in gaming though. ISFJs are as commonly found working as nurses or social workers as they are as judges or bankers…take from it what you will.

Though this personality type’s chief skill is debating, ENTPs also have incredible, natural confidence in unfamiliar situations. ENTPs do not have the lowest rate of interest in any game genre. This shows they’re more than willing to be thrown in the deep end and give new things a try, and more often than not, they will find enjoyment in the challenge. Adventure and RPG games are equally popular among ENTPs. ENTPs are masters of seeing the big picture and thrive in the spontaneous environment that adventure games offer. They are adept at considering multiple perspectives. This is a skill that RPG games allow them to toy with by putting themselves in another’s shoes and experiencing the world of the game from that particular point of view. Although ENTPs typically struggle with routine and schedules, they at the same time draw energy from creating original and exciting plans. The limitlessness of choose-your-own-adventure and RPG style games is too enticing to ignore!

ENTJs are often characterized as being cold and serious. However, in the world of gaming, there is really no other personality type better suited to the role of hard-line commanders, savage chiefs, and fiercely strategic tacticians. Perhaps the most revealing data for this personality type is that they recorded the lowest-score preferences of all types for the genres of adventure, casual, and music and party games, whilst performing highly in strategy, fighting, and action genres. High energy ENTJs seek out action and are natural leaders in multiplayer, group situations. ENTJs make their decisions based on cold, rational and tight logic, follow plans to the T, and remain focused in stressful situations. Put any ENTJ in a tough situation that requires perfect strategizing or an attacking role and they will surely master it.

Judging by the data, ENFP players come off as energetic, adaptable and all-round sociable players! An ENFP enjoys exploring and thinking creatively in the adventure genre, is perfectly happy thrashing about on the battlefield in fighting games, and unsurprisingly enjoys the social mingling in the music and party genre— notably more than other personality types. They’ll take almost anything over an intense strategy game. Their preference for action games is also high[do you mean they DO like strategy games? Sounds like don’t, but then later do], as it is for most personality types, because at the end of the day, who doesn’t enjoy some action! ENFP gamers thrive in social situations where they can bounce ideas off other players. They’re flexible and spontaneous enough to enjoy losing themselves while exploring new territory. The attainable and fast-paced rewards systems in the more competitive genres also feeds their need for admiration from others.

In action games, the gamer controls a character who becomes the avatar, or protagonist. This protagonist must be always prepared, organized with the right tools or weapons in hand, able to take initiative to go out and make things happen, and follow their intuition when put on the spot. The protagonist must be able to connect with the right characters to make alliances, and sometimes to break through enemy lines to corrupt and manipulate. An ENFJ’s ability to empathize, organize, and understand the environment they’re in makes them the ideal personality type for action games. As protagonists, ENFJs will seek to protect the underdog and stand up for their team in the necessary circumstances, meaning they frequently take up the role of the hero. *Cue ‘I Need a Hero’ by Bonnie Tyler*.

Of all the personality types, ESTPs like fighting games the most. When it comes down to it, what better genre to satisfy their competitiveness and taste for action and adventure? As detail-oriented people, ESTPs make decisions based on logic and pragmatism sooner than emotional biases. They’re both energetic and bold. When the going gets tough on the battlefield, those are two characteristics in an ally that you’d really come to appreciate. An ESTP has a natural will for freedom and detests feeling boxed-in and controlled. So it’s only logical that this personality type thoroughly enjoys the self-determination and rebelliousness of fighting games. One thing’s for sure, you wouldn’t want to cross an ESTP in Tekken.

Commonly known as the ‘manager’ personality type, it comes as little surprise that ESTJs dislike the unregimented adventure category and the futility of the music and party genre. In fact, as a type that generally disapproves of trivial pursuits and activities which do not help them work towards their goals in life, an ESTJ may not take much enjoyment from playing video games altogether. Beyond relationship building and practicing social skills, the purpose of gaming for an ESTJ would center more around playing out their natural confidence in their abilities and practice making well-thought-out, practical decisions. An ESTJ may even be aware of their blind spot for adapting to unexpected circumstances and use gaming as an opportunity for self-improvement. As such, this personality type’s data points to no preferred genre when compared to other personality type preferences. Whilst action, adventure and RPG category games are the most popular among this type, an ESTJ is less likely to choose a game based on genre, and more likely to choose a game in which they can exercise their minds and strengthen their weaknesses.

*Multiplayer – on*. The ‘entertainer’ ESFP personality type is a social player through and through. As naturally routine-averse people, ESFPs enjoy playing a myriad of game genres where they can flex their supportive and gregarious strengths. This personality type is a balanced mix of observant, innovative, spontaneous, and good-humored making them a valuable team player. Interestingly, ESFPs enjoy RPGs the least of all the personality types. Since making personal connections is such an integral part of this personality type’s character, it is logical that they are most at ease when they can get to know others honestly and openly as themselves.

ESFJs thrive around other people. They have a knack for ‘owning’ social situations where their empathy, warm-heartedness and care for others attracts many good friends. ESFJs are true team players.They draw their own benefits from cooperating with others, developing strong, loyal relationships, and learning things themselves through coaching and advising others. This personality type enjoys games where the gaming experience is sociable; multiplayer is a necessity. Hence, sports and racing games like FIFA or Madden are hugely popular among ESFJs. However, for an ESFJ, it’s not about winning! It is about everybody joining in and having a blast.