Warframe Tier List For Update 37 | Best Warframes Ranked

Warframe Tier List: All Frames Ranked For Update 37

What are the best Warframes? Check out our article to get the full Warframe tier list

What are the best warframes in the game?

Rhino. Anything you want to do Rhino can do it. Tanking, damage, crowd control, he has great options for all of it. Is he flashy? No. But he’s the first frame you can farm, and he can take you as far as you want to go.

💡 Highlights

  • There are more than 50 warframes in the game.
  • All warframes can be effective depending on player skill, and personal preference plays a significant role.
  • Some characters from the Warframe tier list excel at farming and resource gathering, making them ideal for players focused on grinding for loot.
  • S-tier and A-tier contain the best Warframe characters that are the most powerful, versatile, and capable heroes with strong abilities.
  • Tiers C and D include the weakest heroes that you’d better not pick, especially if you are new to the game.

Warframe is a free-to-play online looter shooter and action/RPG that has been pleasing players for more than ten years. The game is constantly updated and has an incredible amount of game content and a huge number of heroes – warframes, each with its own type of gameplay and unique abilities. Therefore, when starting the game, the question arises – which heroes to choose? Well, I am here to present you with the full Warframe tier list for 2024. I have been playing this game for many years and have studied in detail each tier and which warframes to choose in order to successfully complete missions and climb the ranks.

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About The Latest Warframe Update 37

In addition to various bug fixes and visual improvements, the full list of which you can find on the official Waframe website, this patch also adds:

  • New prologue quest – The Lotus Eaters.
  • Access to Sevagoth Prime as well as weapons and equipment for it.
  • New skins created by the Warframe community.

In addition, the patch includes many corrections and fixes to various quests and gameplay elements.

Warframe Tier List

Many players believe that tier lists are not very suitable for this game since, one way or another, all warframes are suitable for any content, and it’s all about the skill of the players. I partially share this opinion, and in this case, the right approach is to choose the warframe that you like. In addition, the Warframe tier list will still be conditional, since each player has their own heroes, which are in the S-tier for them and which they have mastered well. For example, on Reddit, each user names their character as the best warframe.

On the other hand, over the years of Warframe’s existence, so much content has appeared in the game that even experienced players cannot always figure it out. Therefore, the Warframe tier list is more likely to be useful for beginners or players who abandoned the game and decided to return after a long break. The tier list will help them roughly understand how some warframes relate to others, which are stronger, and which need balance improvements.

So, here’s my Warframe tier list:

LootNekros, Hydroid, Khora
SWisp, Saryn, Octavia, Mesa, Dante, Voidrig
AKhora, Revenant, Kullervo, Jade, Gauss, Volt, Protea, Citrine, Mirage, Wukong, Nova, Xaku, Nidus, Dagath, Baruuk, Nezha, Rhino, Gara, Styanax, Harrow, Nekros, Titania, Voruna, Gyre, Mag, Trinity, Sevagoth, Equinox, Ivara, Garuda,Vauban, Ember, Hildryn, Lavos
BAsh, Chroma, Excalibur, Qorvex, Zephyr, Valkyr, Frost, Oberon, Limbo, Banshee, Hydroid, Grendel, Atlas, Loki, Bonewidow
CYareli, Nyx, Inaros


Since Warframe is a game that belongs to the looter shooter genre, the core gameplay and the main focus of the game are built around looting and grinding. Therefore, among all characters, these are the best warframes for accelerated farming and obtaining the resources you need. These are the best loot-based warframes, which, thanks to their features, skills, and the corresponding build, increase enemy loot drop chance, and will be suitable for farming resources in the best way.

  • Nekros;
  • Hydroid;
  • Khora. 


This tier contains the best warframes in terms of firepower and build variability. These are the strongest warframes with very powerful abilities, and you should pay attention to them first of all when collecting your ultimate warframe collection.

  • Wisp; 
  • Saryn; 
  • Octavia; 
  • Mesa; 
  • Dante; 
  • Voidrig.


Best Warframes
Image from Warframe Official Website

Like any other game with a meta (like Overwatch and other similar games), Tier A in Warframe is almost Tier S, but some quirks or minor flaws prevent warframes in this category from being the best frames. A little balancing or buffing of abilities could fix this situation, and in the next patch, the Warframe meta build might also change, where the frame from Tier A will become Tier S.

  • Khora; 
  • Revenant; 
  • Kullervo; 
  • Jade; 
  • Gauss; 
  • Volt; 
  • Protea; 
  • Citrine; 
  • Mirage; 
  • Wukong; 
  • Nova; 
  • Xaku; 
  • Nidus; 
  • Dagath;
  • Baruuk; 
  • Nezha; 
  • Rhino; 
  • Gara; 
  • Styanax; 
  • Harrow; 
  • Nekros; 
  • Titania; 
  • Voruna; 
  • Gyre; 
  • Mag; 
  • Trinity; 
  • Sevagoth; 
  • Equinox; 
  • Ivara; 
  • Garuda;
  • Vauban; 
  • Ember; 
  • Hildryn; 
  • Lavos.


This category contains ranked Warframe characters that can be defined as the golden mean. These are good warframes with a good skill set and variability, but they can easily be replaced since frames in higher categories will cope faster or easier in any game situation. Still, they are quite a good pick, in my opinion. 

  • Ash; 
  • Chroma; 
  • Excalibur;
  • Qorvex; 
  • Zephyr; 
  • Valkyr; 
  • Frost; 
  • Oberon;
  • Limbo; 
  • Banshee; 
  • Hydroid; 
  • Grendel; 
  • Atlas; 
  • Loki; 
  • Bonewidow.
  • Ash; 
  • Chroma; 
  • Excalibur;
  • Qorvex; 
  • Zephyr; 
  • Valkyr; 
  • Frost; 
  • Oberon;
  • Limbo; 
  • Banshee; 
  • Hydroid; 
  • Grendel; 
  • Atlas; 
  • Loki; 
  • Bonewidow.


This Warframe frame tier list contains weak characters that do not fit into the meta due to an outdated skill set or insufficient power because of the weak impact in the game. I do not recommend choosing them, especially if you are not a very experienced player or are new to Warframe.

  • Yareli; 
  • Nyx; 
  • Inaros.



The D-tier contains frames that are weak in all respects and require a complete rework or strengthening of abilities. It is also least suitable for starting to get acquainted with the game. Currently, this Warframe tier list consists of only one hero.

  • Caliban

Looking For Warframe Teammates? Try GameTree

Want to play Warframe with other players but don’t know where to look for teammates? Install the GameTree app! This is an LFG platform for gamers where you can find teammates to play Warframe in minutes. The AI-based algorithm will select the best players for you based on your level in the game, skills, favorite warframes, and other features. You can customize the search and find not just partners for one game but folks with whom you will be interested in continuing to communicate and playing other games. Join the GameTree community!

Final Thoughts

Warframe continues to delight players and has a huge community and a large amount of diverse content. The game is definitely worth giving a chance, as it has rich, interesting lore and exciting gameplay. If you like games with a focus on grinding, feel free to discover the world of Warframe and choose the perfect character for you that will bring the ability synergy. In this article, I presented the Warframe tier list that you can use to understand which heroes are worth choosing and which are not. And yet, remember that everything is quite individual here, and often, players play the game successfully, even with frames from lower tiers.