What Does "BM" Mean In Gaming? | BMing Definition Explained

“BM” Meaning in Gaming, Definition, and Use Cases

💡 BM Meaning

  • BM” stands for “Bad Manners”. It’s used to describe any behavior that’s considered rude, unsportsmanlike, or just plain mean in the gaming community. Think of it as the opposite of “GG” (Good Game). When someone’s pulling a BM, they’re basically being a jerk in the game.

Ready to add another term to your gaming vocabulary? Today, we’re diving into a phrase you’ve probably seen tossed around in chat: “BM”. No, we’re not talking about bathroom breaks here (though those are important too). Let’s break down what BM really means in the gaming world!

Where Did The Abbreviation “BM” Come From?

The term “BM” didn’t start in gaming – it’s been around in sports and other competitive activities for ages. But it found a special home in the gaming world, where online anonymity sometimes brings out the worst in people.

It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when gamers started using “BM”, but it became super popular with the rise of online multiplayer games and esports. As competitive gaming grew, so did the need for a shorthand way to call out bad behavior. Enter “BM” – short, sweet, and to the point.

How To Use The Term “BM” Correctly?

Want to use “BM” like a pro? Here’s the lowdown:

  1. Calling out bad behavior: “That guy teabagging after every kill. Totally BMing”
  2. Describing actions: “Spawn camping is such a BM move.”
  3. Warning teammates: “Hey, don’t BM them just because we’re winning.”
  4. Admitting fault: “My bad, that taunt was BM. Won’t happen again.”
  5. Discussing game culture: “This game has way less BM than others I’ve played.”

Remember, using “BM” is usually about calling out negative behavior. It’s not something you typically want to do yourself (unless you’re into making enemies online).


If you’re not sure if something is BM, ask yourself: “Would I be annoyed if someone did this to me?” If the answer is yes, it’s probably BM.

There you have it, folks! You’re now equipped to spot and call out BM in your games. Just remember, the best way to deal with BM is often to ignore it and focus on having fun. After all, isn’t that why we’re all here? Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some games to play – BM-free, of course!


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